Page width


Mark K

I have a website that I edit using FP2002 and created with
a theme I purchased off of the web. The pages appear in a
browser at 100% width. I want to fix the pages to approx
750 pixel width. This way they appear full width in
800x600 but are aligned left with a boarder on the right
in 1024x768 and larger. I am having a problem
accomplishing this. In an earlier post someone recommened
organizing the page in a single cell table with a fixed
width of 750. The problem is the theme's page is created
with multiple tables so you can't just set one table to
750. I tried editing the individual tables one at a time
but because of the way they are situated the layout of the
page gets messed up. I tried to create a new page with a
750 width 1 cell table and I copied and pasted the entire
contents of the original page into the table, but it loses
all of its page properties such as navation. The
navagation areas say to add to navagation structure for
navagation to appear. The new page is in the nav structure
but because this is pasted into a table it is not
recognized as a page. Is there any way to set the page
properties or the web properties so the pages are fixed at
750. I need to stay with this theme for my site but have
to address the width issue. Desperate for any help you can

Mark K

Thomas A. Rowe

If the theme uses shared borders, which most do, then you can not insert it
into a 750 table.

What you have to do is change the width of the table/cell that holds the
main text content for you pages to be a fixed number of pixels that would
equal 750 pixel (minus the left shared border + 24 pixels spacer cell.)


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Mark K

The theme only uses a shared boarder on the bottom of the
page but the main text table has tables/cell on the left
and right of it. It is also topped by a number of tables
with graghics inserted to make the header of the page. The
entire page if filled with very narrow cells/tables filled
with colors and graphics to add texture and depth. The
layout is fairly complex by my standards. You can view it
at Any other ideas on how to
fix the width?

Mark K

Thomas A. Rowe


The site look great the way it current designed, why do you want to change
it, as it currently expands to fill the browser window?

Change this may be a lot more work as you would have to open each page and
change the main table width from 100% to 750 pixels.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Mark K

I want to chage the width to a constant width because we
are goiong to be using more pictures, tables and graphics.
I want the site to have a consistant look in all browser
setting and not have to worry about wrapping text and
tables. You mentioned setting the main table width to 750.
How do I do that. I couldn't seem to find one main table
on the page??


Thomas A. Rowe


Because of the layout, you may be better off creating new pages, with the
design based on a fixed 750 width main table, and then copy you current
content into this new page template for each page, otherwise you will need
to switch to HTML view for each page and then do a search and replace in
HTML view for:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:
collapse" width="100%"

and replace with

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:
collapse" width="750"

I would suggest that you do not attempt to do a global replacement, as you
will still have to open each page to review, and if you do a global replace
you will not have the open to not save the changes, if the page doesn't look
right in Normal View.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Stefan B Rusynko

Open your page(s) in Html (code) view
Right after the <body......> tag insert:

<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="750">
<tr><td width="100%">

then right before the </body> tag insert:


That will nest your whole page in a single outer fixed width table

BUT, you may not like the results
- your page uses VML (word/shape art) and lots of absolute positioning which you will have to remove or adjust for the new layout
and lots of mixed size (px/%) tables/cells which can choke many browsers

| The theme only uses a shared boarder on the bottom of the
| page but the main text table has tables/cell on the left
| and right of it. It is also topped by a number of tables
| with graghics inserted to make the header of the page. The
| entire page if filled with very narrow cells/tables filled
| with colors and graphics to add texture and depth. The
| layout is fairly complex by my standards. You can view it
| at Any other ideas on how to
| fix the width?
| Thnaks,
| Mark K
| >-----Original Message-----
| >If the theme uses shared borders, which most do, then you
| can not insert it
| >into a 750 table.
| >
| >What you have to do is change the width of the table/cell
| that holds the
| >main text content for you pages to be a fixed number of
| pixels that would
| >equal 750 pixel (minus the left shared border + 24 pixels
| spacer cell.)
| >
| >--
| >
| >==============================================
| >Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| >WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| >
| >FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
| >MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| >==============================================
| >To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage
| support see:
| >
| >
| message
| >| >> I have a website that I edit using FP2002 and created
| with
| >> a theme I purchased off of the web. The pages appear in
| a
| >> browser at 100% width. I want to fix the pages to approx
| >> 750 pixel width. This way they appear full width in
| >> 800x600 but are aligned left with a boarder on the right
| >> in 1024x768 and larger. I am having a problem
| >> accomplishing this. In an earlier post someone
| recommened
| >> organizing the page in a single cell table with a fixed
| >> width of 750. The problem is the theme's page is created
| >> with multiple tables so you can't just set one table to
| >> 750. I tried editing the individual tables one at a time
| >> but because of the way they are situated the layout of
| the
| >> page gets messed up. I tried to create a new page with a
| >> 750 width 1 cell table and I copied and pasted the
| entire
| >> contents of the original page into the table, but it
| loses
| >> all of its page properties such as navation. The
| >> navagation areas say to add to navagation structure for
| >> navagation to appear. The new page is in the nav
| structure
| >> but because this is pasted into a table it is not
| >> recognized as a page. Is there any way to set the page
| >> properties or the web properties so the pages are fixed
| at
| >> 750. I need to stay with this theme for my site but
| have
| >> to address the width issue. Desperate for any help you
| can
| >> give..
| >>
| >> Thanks
| >> Mark K
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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