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Stupid me did not use this function before.
I dont know I somehow missed it in the menu.
It is a very useful function...

But I also realize that the ribbon will really make ON better!
Every command will be easily acessible...
Cant wait for the next version of ON!

Steve Silverwood

Stupid me did not use this function before.
I dont know I somehow missed it in the menu.
It is a very useful function...

But I also realize that the ribbon will really make ON better!
Every command will be easily acessible...
Cant wait for the next version of ON!

I suspect my wife will disagree with you -- she's adamantly opposed to
the new Office interface for some strange reason :) -- but I certainly
find the new ribbon system to be quite useful. The only time I
=don't= is when my old typing habits kick in and I try to use the old
keystroke-based commands while I'm fiddling around in Outlook, some of
which don't quite work the same way any more. <sigh>


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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