Pages tabs displayed as numbers instead of titles


Herb Martin

My page tabs along the right of the page were initially displayed
as names.

Now they are merely numeric, even though when I hover over each
page the title appears (after a short but irritating when you don't
know what the page is yet) delay.

What did I change? How do I put it back.

The titles were cut off (first word or so) but they helped
me find each page and I made an effort to put the most
important words(s) first for that very reason.

If this is an "automatic" features it stinks big time.

Page titles are properly displayed for the page once it is selected,
but that popup text is showing with "1 - whatever" "2 - another",
...., "14 - something else I can't find easily".

Benoit Barabe \(MS\)


The page tab area is resizable. You can drag the inner edge to expand it. At
it's minimum size, numbers are displayed instead of text.

You can also click on the arrow at the bottom of the page tabs list to
expand/collapse the area.

Hope this helps,
Benoit, OneNote Development.

Herb Martin

Benoit Barabe (MS) said:

The page tab area is resizable. You can drag the inner edge to expand it. At
it's minimum size, numbers are displayed instead of text.

Maybe I should have mention that this was the first thought
that occured to me and I have madly (angrily at this point
trying to find a border that will drag that tab-window.)
You can also click on the arrow at the bottom of the page tabs list to
expand/collapse the area.


I never saw the icon down there. Thanks.

BTW, when that button is clicked to Numbered tabs, the
resize of the tab-window portion is OFF, it neither displays
the resizing on the inner border nor will it allow the size to
be change to restore the text-labels.

Tab-window is NOT resizable when the numbers are displayed.

Apparently I clicked that bottom button-icon at some point
without realizing it. BTW, it ought to be (also) a View
menu option.

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