


Hi All
Can someone tell me how many pages a section can hold without loosing data?
I keep a weekly journal ( one page per week) and I wonder what will happen
after say 30 pages... 40 pages...?


James Gockel

I think it can hold as many pages as you want.
What I suggest you do it make sections for each month, in a journal folder.
This way you have months that you can look at and choose, and not worry
about 30 or 40 notes clogging a section.
Or bi monthly, or quarterly can work too, depending on your frequency of
note taking or journals.


Grant Robertson

Can someone tell me how many pages a section can hold without loosing data?
I keep a weekly journal ( one page per week) and I wonder what will happen
after say 30 pages... 40 pages...?

I haven't cleaned out my SideNotes section since I installed OneNote.
It's got hundreds of pages in it. Haven't had a problem yet. For a
journal you might want to use a different section for each month and a
different page for each day. This will make things easier to find later.

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