pagination across multiple documents in an index


David Fraser

I'm trying to use Word 03 to create an index. The index itself is made up of
multiple documents. Thus, I've paginated like so: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2
etc. by paginating in a regular way, and then by adding the document number
as a prefix to the pagination. (1-2 means document one, page two) Word seems
to know what I'm doing, because once I do this to the first page, auto fill
does it to the remaining pages.

However, when I build my index Word doesn't seem to recognize the prefixes,
and so I have index entries from differing documents all labeled to be on
page 1.

Can anybody help me out?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?RGF2aWQgRnJhc2Vy?=,
I'm trying to use Word 03 to create an index. The index itself is made up of
multiple documents. Thus, I've paginated like so: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2
etc. by paginating in a regular way, and then by adding the document number
as a prefix to the pagination. (1-2 means document one, page two) Word seems
to know what I'm doing, because once I do this to the first page, auto fill
does it to the remaining pages.

However, when I build my index Word doesn't seem to recognize the prefixes,
and so I have index entries from differing documents all labeled to be on
page 1.
Page 1, or Document 1?

You unfortunately don't explain how you're bringing the documents together for
an index, but I'm guessing you're using the RD field or a Master Document?

Then I'd expect you to lose the "prefix" number. While the header/footer will
"copy" any static text to all the pages, the Index tool won't pick this up (not
even in an index in the same document). The only "prefix" number Word will pick
up automatically is a number related to a Heading style. You'll find this in
Insert/Page Number/Format, the "Include Chapter" section of the dialog box.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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