Pagination inconsistency




My clients were complaining that when the print certain documents, the page numbers in the output document and in the softcopy do not match. For eg. in the printed output, "Table1" is in page 123 and in the Word document, it is on page 120. Is this possible? If so, why does it happen and can Word fix this problem. My document is generated by querying the database and by populating those values in about 30 sections and tables.


Steve Lang

Hi Alex,

The computer that is generating the document has to have the same printer
driver set as the computer that is printing the document in order for
pagination to be the same. Word bases the document on the selected printer
driver when "building" the document. If you change the printer, the
pagination will also change.

HTH and have a great day!


avarghese said:

My clients were complaining that when the print certain documents, the
page numbers in the output document and in the softcopy do not match. For
eg. in the printed output, "Table1" is in page 123 and in the Word document,
it is on page 120. Is this possible? If so, why does it happen and can Word
fix this problem. My document is generated by querying the database and by
populating those values in about 30 sections and tables.

Peter Hewett

Hi avarghese

I presume that the actual content of each page differs from what you see on the

Words output to both the screen and printer is governed by the printer driver in
use. So if you view your document on one PC and print it on another with a
different printer driver then with a document of that size it's quite possible.

Although Word has paragraphs it does not really have pages! When you think
about how Word has to reflow text through the document this starts to make

Different printers can print closer to the edge of the page than others. So with
some printer divers the Header will sit fractionally lower and the footer
fractionally higher. This leads to reduced space on each page used for the body
text of the document. It may not happen on every page, it depends on a
multitude of things. But these small differences compound over the length of a

HTH + Cheers - Peter


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