Pagination Problem


PM Editor

I meed to create a training manual which will have instructor notes on the
odd-numbered pages and actual training materials on the even-numbered pages.
It needs to be set it up so that the corresponding pages are numbered the
same -- i.e., there would be a pg 1 instructor's page that would correspond
to a pg 1 training page. How can I set it up this way? I'm working with
Word 2000.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Although it is possible to number pages this way in Word, I would not
attempt this type of project in a single document unless each page's content
is to be self-contained. If you want the instructor notes to flow from their
page 1 to their page 2 and the training materials to do the same, then it
will be much simpler to create two separate documents and collate them

If you insist on numbering the pages this way, you will need to select
"Different odd and even" header/footer so that you can have different page
numbers on the recto and verso pages. The following assumes that you want
the matching pages to be facing pages (you will need to skip the actual page
1). For the recto (right-hand, basically odd) pages, use this field:

{ = ( { PAGE }-1)/2 }

For the verso (left-hand, basically even) pages, use this field:

{ = { PAGE }/2 }

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