pagination troubleshooting with multiple sections


Katy D'Angelo

I am also having a problem inserting section breaks and getting the
pagination to work correctly. There are three sections for my document--the
first should have no numbering on it, the second should be numbered (ii, iii,
iv), and the third should begin again with 1. I have followed the
instructions from the recommended web site However, for
some reason it seems to be linking my first and third sections (displaying
both with Arabic numbers), even though the first section should have no
numbers. And I haven't inserted anything into the Header and Footer in that
section. The numbers just appear there. However, if I delete the numbering
from the first section, it also deletes the numbering from the second section
as well. It seems to defy any explanation.

Any suggestions would be welcome. I'm about to just insert numbers into the
text itself to get around this problem.

katy dangelo

I tried this. It still isn't working. That first section is just killing me.

Daiya Mitchell

Hmm. For what you want (I think), you actually only need
First Page Footer (with no number) (this is just one page, right?)
Section 1 Footer (with ii, iii, etc--you did want it to start with ii,
Section 2 Footer (with arabic numbers).

Try deleting all your section breaks (they will show up in Normal View to be
selected and deleted). View Header/Footer and delete everything in it--if
the number has a gray box around it (a frame), make sure you delete the
frame too.

Reinsert your section break between the roman and arabic numbers. With
cursor in Section 1, go to File | Page Setup, Layout tab, and turn on "first
page header". Set to apply to "this section only."

View Header/Footer. Move the cursor to the area labeled Section 1 Footer,
and hit # on the header/footer toolbar, then hit Format Page Number on the
header/footer toolbar (icon with hand and #). Set it to ii, iii. Move
cursor to Section 2 Footer. Hit Format Page Number, set as desired.

If something does not work, post back at exactly what step it went wrong.


katy dangelo

I will try this when I get home. The only thing is, my first section is
actually two pages. Niether of them is supposed to have pagination. Yet, the
first page of the section section is numbered ii (as though that 2nd page in
the first section isn't counted in the numbered order). It's really quite
annoying, but that is what's required.

Daiya Mitchell

Okay, skip the bits about the first page header. Still delete all section
breaks and re-enter them. You will need to unlink the first and second
section--put cursor in second section, click the same as previous icon on
the header/footer toolbar. Then put a page number in the second section,
use the Format Page Number button on the header/footer toolbar to change the
format. Then with cursor in the third section, use the Format Page Number
button on the header/footer toolbar to change the format.


Daiya Mitchell

Follow up--do you have any other section breaks beside Next Page Section
Breaks in here? Like columns or anything?

katy dangelo

No, I don't have any other section breaks beside Next Page. I've got section
2 and 3 working, with the separate roman numerals and Arabic numbers. Section
1 is still not working. I've unlinked the footer from section 2 (numbers are
centered in the footer), but for some reason section 1 is now appearing in
roman numerals. The first page has no pagination, but the second page reads
iii. I just do not understand why.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Just delete the page field on the second page; if you've unlinked sections 1
and 2, this should have no effect on section 2. Also, if you have a page
number on the second page and not on the first, this is probably because you
have enabled "Different first page," which, as Daiya now realizes, is of no
value here (and not necessary).

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