Paintbrush Graphics - .PCX files.



I am trying to import a .PCX graphic into a Word document. PCX does not show
up on the "Insert Picture from File" window. It only shows all the other
types of graphics and mine (PCX) do not show up unless I tell it to show "All
files". Then when I click on my graphic, it does not know what it is.
Previous versions of Word (2000) showed a selection of Paintbrush and would
convert it just fine. I am trying to find out if I need to install some file
converters or something, but do not see anything.
P.S., this is happening on Office 2003. Probably another thing they took
out, like the Office Shortcut Bar!


Thanks. I found the filter on another of my PCs and got it to work (after I
updated the registry). So I am OK until the next glitch Microsoft throws at


Glad you found a 'temporary' workaround, but don't expect it to last
forever. The "glitch Microsoft throws at us" is industry-wide and is no more
of a glitch than the fact that the cars we drive no longer use bias-ply
tires or that most of the music we listen to isn't available on vinyl

Regards |:>)

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