Palm OS Sync'ing issues




I use a Entourage 2004 as my main PIM and have until recently been
using Apple iSync to synchronise the calendar and contacts data over to
my Palm OS Tungsten T5 (using Paul Berkowitz's Sync Entourage Address
Book and Sync Entourage iCal scripts as intermediaries). But the Apple
iSync Palm conduit is, shall we say, quirky and I had been growing
increasingly frustrated by its limitations. When I discovered that
iSync 2 (included in Mac OS Tiger) had not fixed any of these problems
(and what's more, does not support my new mobile/ cell phone) I decided
to abandon it and try direct sync'ing via the Entourage Palm conduit,
which I have used before but not for a few years. However, having once
erased my entire Entourage calendar via a screwed-up hotsync, I decided
to proceed with caution for the time being have set the conduit to
*'Entourage overwrites handheld'* to protect my database from
accidental damage.
In general I am pleased with the results but there are a few irritating
quirks (and yes, I have searched but they don't seem to have been
addressed elsewhere):-

1/ The E conduit correctly syncs the default address for each contact
onto the Palm, but for some reason always labels this address 'work'
even when the default is the contact's HOME address. Yes, I can go
through my Palm Contacts database and alter the addresses manually, but
why should I have to? Why doesn't the conduit correctly label the
default address? And anyway, won't the addresses be set back to 'work'
the next time I sync over from Entourage?
I am aware that there is an option to set 'home' or 'work' as the
default in the conduit settings, but this only seems to apply when
syncing from the Palm to Entourage, not the other way round as in my
case. And anyway, why does this have to be all or nothing - why can't
contact addressed be labelled 'work' or 'home' on an individual basis?
2/ I notice that birthdays don't sync, even though there is a
'birthday' field in Palm contacts. Is this because the Entourage
conduit simply doesn't support this field? I know the E conduit, rather
disappointingly, still has issues with some of the enhancements added
to the Palm OS PIM apps in (I think) 2003 (!), although it certainly
does a better job than iSync.

Given that neither the Apple iSync or Entourage conduits seem to fully
support the current versions of the Palm PIM apps (whether they will
ever be updated is anyone's guess), I suppose the ideal world solution
would be to sync to my Tungsten T5 from the Palm Desktop suite (at
least there is a Mac version!). But how would I get my data from
Entourage into Palm Desktop? I am not aware of any scripts or apps
which synchronise Entourage and Palm Desktop, in the same way Paul B's
scripts sync the big purple E with Apple Address Book and iCal...

Any thoughts, suggestions or insights would be much appreciated



And while we're on this subject, any insights on why only some
Entourage categories are synced to the Palm, while others mysteriously
don't sync?


Barry Wainwright

And while we're on this subject, any insights on why only some
Entourage categories are synced to the Palm, while others mysteriously
don't sync?


Because the Palm has a small limit on the number of categories you are
allowed - 16 IIRC, or it may even be 8.

Entourage allows many more than that, but the excess ones get lost.

Paul Berkowitz

Because the Palm has a small limit on the number of categories you are
allowed - 16 IIRC, or it may even be 8.

I believe it's 15.
Entourage allows many more than that, but the excess ones get lost.

At one point Entourage allowed 128 - I'm not certain it's even finite now
(not in the mood to re-test this just now).

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions

Barry Wainwright

At one point Entourage allowed 128 - I'm not certain it's even finite now
(not in the mood to re-test this just now).

There was a recent message about a rogue script creating 1700 copies of a
category - I suspect it's pretty well infinite in v2004!


Thanks for the thoughts, guys. I don't wish to sound ungrateful... but
any ideas about on my other questions (in the first post)?




Thanks for the thoughts, guys. Any ideas about on my other questions
(in the first post)?



Barry Wainwright

1/ The E conduit correctly syncs the default address for each contact
onto the Palm, but for some reason always labels this address 'work'
even when the default is the contact's HOME address. Yes, I can go
through my Palm Contacts database and alter the addresses manually, but
why should I have to? Why doesn't the conduit correctly label the
default address?

Its a limitation. The conduit was written before there were home & work
addresses on the palm.


For awhile I was able to sync my T3 with Entourage 2004 with no
difficulty- either via cable or Bluetooth. Then for some reason I was
unable to sync at all. This was compounded by a crash by my T3 and the
resulting hard reset. I tried everything to get the sync to work-
reinstalling the Handheld Sync supplied by Office (making sure "office
notifications" and "Entourage Deamon" were both turned off) on numerous

occasions with no results. The Entourgage conduit failed to open and
would not sync any data. I read in another post in this group someone
had similar difficulties and solved it by logging himself off, then
logging back on. I tried that workaround and lo and behold- it did
work. However now it fail to fucntion, even after multiple log-off/on.
Anyone have any ideas?


Is the answer as simple as that? Somehow I thought it would be more
complicated...Does this mean the Entourage conduit has not been updated
since 2003, when Palm upgraded its PIM apps?!

Barry Wainwright

Is the answer as simple as that? Somehow I thought it would be more
complicated...Does this mean the Entourage conduit has not been updated
since 2003, when Palm upgraded its PIM apps?!

That's right.

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