Palm V transfer of data


b lea

Got a new ppc Dell Axim x51v. Palm V only syncs to palm desktop
software....this is my understanding. Any way to transfer all my data to
outlook or to get it to the new ppc.


b lea said:
Got a new ppc Dell Axim x51v. Palm V only syncs to palm desktop
software....this is my understanding. Any way to transfer all my data to
outlook or to get it to the new ppc.

There is software but not having a Palm I can't tell you what it is or if it
costs money. Ask in a Palm newsgroup, they will know. I do recall a similar
post in the ppc newsgroups, but its not really the best place to ask about a
different OS. Remember you have the option of checking newsgroup archives
and there's always web searches- I bet that would bring some results.

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