-----Original Message-----
This is a peer support newsgroup - there aren't any MS employees here to do
troubleshooting, real, surreal, arboreal or otherwise; sometimes it's luck
of the draw as to whether somebody here knows the answer to a specific
problem. With newly released operating systems, the number of users is
lower so your odds aren't quite as good, I'm afraid.
It'd probably be a good idea to choose Help, Send Feedback and report the
problem in as much detail as you can muster so that MS is at least aware of
For direct support from MS, you'd probably have to contact MS through one of
the channels led to by Help, Add'l Help Resources.
This is a little painful to admit, but I'm now pretty sure the problem is
Apple's, not Microsoft's. If I convert the presentation from PowerPoint
to KeyNote on a Jaguar machine, the slides all look good. When I copy
that presentation to a Panther machine, the same slides have missing or
incomplete images.
On a Jaguar machine I exported (saved-as) the problem slides as PNG
files, then copied them to a Panther machine and re-inserted them and
everything is fine, both in PowerPoint and KeyNote. The common thing
was that the problem images (mostly graphs) used goofy colors (sort-of
pastel greens and blues for data traces). I suspect some people were
using CMKY color mode in Illustrator to create their figures.
We have ~20 students and postdocs who do experiments and make
figures of their results. These figures make their way to the head of the
lab, who picks and edits which ones he'll use for his talks about the big
It's hard to keep track of exactly how each person made the figures that
end up in a PPT presentation.
I don't know what Apple changed in Panther, but at least it seems to be
Bottom line: The hints I got here were probably 100% right. I apologize
for taking them lightly.
Thanks a bunch,