Andi Mayer
Hi All
I have written a middleware application for IBM-U2 to a bookkepping
Software which is using paradox-tables
I can Import everything, convert it to the bookkepping-format but...
The Problem is that the Journal.db ( the bookkeeping lines) has not
index and it has a .mb file attached for graphic (which is not used,
but the paradox.table has 5 field for it).
If I export the Access table to Paradox this 5 fileld are vanishing
and the bookkepping-software doesn't work anymore.
Does anybody know a posibility to to make a true-paradox file wihout
I don't find any reference for the BDE on my System to produce
P.S.: ODBC doesn't allow me to ALTER the table
If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message
I have written a middleware application for IBM-U2 to a bookkepping
Software which is using paradox-tables
I can Import everything, convert it to the bookkepping-format but...
The Problem is that the Journal.db ( the bookkeeping lines) has not
index and it has a .mb file attached for graphic (which is not used,
but the paradox.table has 5 field for it).
If I export the Access table to Paradox this 5 fileld are vanishing
and the bookkepping-software doesn't work anymore.
Does anybody know a posibility to to make a true-paradox file wihout
I don't find any reference for the BDE on my System to produce
P.S.: ODBC doesn't allow me to ALTER the table
If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message