I came across the problem of not getting line breaks in an email generated
from a form
I resolved it by writing a script to submit the email
function sendform()
with (document.form1)
var body = ''
var i = elements.length , j = 0
while (i-- > 2) // drop last two elements - Submit and Reset
var tname = elements[j].name
var text = elements[j].value
body += tname
if (tname == "Comment")
body += '%0d%0a' // line break before comment text
body += text + '%0d%0a' // line break after each line
j += 1
} // end while
window.location = "mailto:" + "me" + "@" + "mysite" + ".com"
+ "?subject=Response%20from%20Form"
+ "&body=" + body
The line breaks are '%0d%0a'
I put one after each line of field name and field value and one between the
field name "Comments" and its value (on the assumption that comments will be
quite large anyway).
If you want double line breaks (as in a para.) use 2 single line breaks
The form looks like this
<form name="form1" action="">
<div style="background-color:#DBE0F5; padding:3px; font:75% arial;">
<div style="padding:10px; font:75% Arial; text-align:left;">
Hi all,<br />
<!-- more blurb -->
<input type="text" id="Name" value="Insert name" size="40"
onfocus="if (this.value=='Insert name'){this.value='';};return
onblur="if (this.value==''){this.value='Insert name';return
<input type="text" id="Email" value="Insert e-mail address" size="40"
onfocus="if (this.value=='Insert e-mail
address'){this.value='';};return false;"
onblur="if (this.value==''){this.value='Insert e-mail
address';return false;}"/><br/>
<!-- other <input>s in here -->
Enter Comment:<br/>
<textarea id="Comment" rows="10" cols="100"
style="font:100% Arial;">Enter your comment in
here</textarea><br />
<div align="center" style="background-color:#DBE0F5; padding:3px;
font:12px arial;">
<input type="button" id="submit" value=" Send "
onmouseover="testform()" onclick="sendform()" />
<input type="reset" id="reset" value=" Clear "/>
Trevor L.