Paragraph selection in word macro



hello all,
I have a standard word document produced by a macro. Part of this
macro highlights a particular word in red. I need to extend the macro
to then search for this RED word and then move it and ita associated
paragraph to a new page. There could potentially be any number of RED
words and paragraphs to move. Moving the RED word is relatively easy
but moving its associated paragraph I can't do. From within word I can
highlight the paragraph by left clicking it 3 times, how do I achieve
this from within a macro?

If it can be selected then it is easy to move.



Jonathan West

hello all,
I have a standard word document produced by a macro. Part of this
macro highlights a particular word in red. I need to extend the macro
to then search for this RED word and then move it and ita associated
paragraph to a new page. There could potentially be any number of RED
words and paragraphs to move. Moving the RED word is relatively easy
but moving its associated paragraph I can't do. From within word I can
highlight the paragraph by left clicking it 3 times, how do I achieve
this from within a macro?

If it can be selected then it is easy to move.


Or better still, make your macro operate on the range directly without
selecting it.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
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