Paragraph Spacing between multiple Text Boxes in Rpt



I have a report consisting of many textboxes that can shrink and grow, that
concatenates fields and text to produce a letter. At the end of a paragraph,
I put the:
& Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

The problem is that when I have this and it connects also to the next text
box, it seems to also add a paragraph spacing between text boxes. And I
can't seem to make the spacing between the paragraphs the same size, and the
letter looks a little funny with the spacing.

Question e - is there a way to make the paragraphs justified alignment? The
distribute alignment does something funny with the last line!
Thanks in advance!


I would like to put it all in one big text box, but it doesn't let me write
anymore after so many characters. The text boxes are filled with if
statements and concatenate!

Type - o: Question 2 below not Question e.



I found the seqeunce "Hide text boxes if null value on 2/2/05 very helpful
for this. I still don't understand the difference between using + or & for
concatenate, though

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