Paragraph spacing



Please HELP! I'm trying to write an essay for a class.I need to double space
the sentences,but single space the paragrapghs.I can not check the box that
says not to put a extra space between similar paragrapghs.It remains greyed
and I am going crazy trying to get it fixed.If I change to single space
between paragrapghs then my whole document is single spaced.Any ideas?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Set Space Before/After to 0. The instruction to "single space" between the
paragraphs doesn't literally mean a single space (that would be crazy); it
just means that you should not press Enter twice to get *extra* space
between your double-spaced paragraphs.


If I set to single space then the sentences in the paragraphs are single
spaced as well.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You're not listening. Set the line spacing to Double and make sure that
there is no Space Before or After. There will be a double space between
paragraphs as well (but not double the space in the paragraph), which I'm
sure is what your instructor means, but if you are unsure, ask him or her.

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