Paragraph sytles

  • Thread starter Charles W Davis
  • Start date

Charles W Davis

I know how to set the style in Word 2007 so that Paragraphs have 12pt
spacing after. How do I prevent this from happening for lists?

Charles W Davis

I want single spacing after the table of contents and the index also. How

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Are you referring to the "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same
style" option?

Charles W Davis

I have a long 250 page document that I have been working on for the past
five years (memoirs). I have always pressed the enter key twice to provide
the spacing. In the document, bulleted items, table of contents and the
index are single spaced as desired. I hadn't thought about it until I read
Herb Tyson's instruction in an earlier post. I made the changes, easily
eliminated the extra paragraph entries, and it looked great. Whoa! My two
page table of contents became four pages, and the 8 page, three column index
became 15 pages.

How can the style of these items differ regarding the 12pt space after

Suzanne S. Barnhill

My guess is that you were using Normal style for everything (or at least for
the body text). When you add Spacing After to Normal, the change trickles
down to all the styles based on Normal (which is just about all of them);
see To avoid
this, either leave Normal alone and use Body Text (formatted as desired) for
body text (see,
or manually change the TOC and Index styles not to have Spacing After.

Naturally, I would advise the former course. You will also need separate
styles for bulleted items (I use the built-in List Bullet style, formatted
as desired) and other paragraphs that are not straight body text. If you
want to have space after the last bullet point but not between them, add the
same space to the style as for Body Text, but check the box for "Don't add
space between paragraphs of the same style."

Charles W Davis


Thank you very much.
Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
My guess is that you were using Normal style for everything (or at least
the body text). When you add Spacing After to Normal, the change trickles
down to all the styles based on Normal (which is just about all of them);
see To avoid
this, either leave Normal alone and use Body Text (formatted as desired)
body text (see,
or manually change the TOC and Index styles not to have Spacing After.

Naturally, I would advise the former course. You will also need separate
styles for bulleted items (I use the built-in List Bullet style, formatted
as desired) and other paragraphs that are not straight body text. If you
want to have space after the last bullet point but not between them, add
same space to the style as for Body Text, but check the box for "Don't add
space between paragraphs of the same style."

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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