In a macro running (again...) through directories full of files, I'm
doing various things to each file.
One of them is applying styles to a particular table in each doc (last
table, so easy to find) and get rid of paragraph overrides.
Oddly, though, some paragraphs are not resetting properly.
They are staying with alignment=justified, even though I'm selecting
that column of cells and applying the Body Text style, then performing
a selection.ParagraphFormat.reset
Any ideas?
In a macro running (again...) through directories full of files, I'm
doing various things to each file.
One of them is applying styles to a particular table in each doc (last
table, so easy to find) and get rid of paragraph overrides.
Oddly, though, some paragraphs are not resetting properly.
They are staying with alignment=justified, even though I'm selecting
that column of cells and applying the Body Text style, then performing
a selection.ParagraphFormat.reset
Any ideas?