Bruno G.
I have put a shading color in both styles 'Heading 1' and 'Heading 2'.
Colors are different, but when a paragraph with style 'Heading 2' immediatly
follows a 'Heading 1' paragraph, both colors 'touch', if I put an empty
paragraph between them, the color is removed from the 'Spacing Before' and
'Spacing After' parts of the paragraph - that's what I want to happen even
when the two paragraphs are next to each other.
Is there any way to do this?
I tried putting different borders, but the problem returns if two paragraphs
with the same style follows one another.
Thanks for your help!
I have put a shading color in both styles 'Heading 1' and 'Heading 2'.
Colors are different, but when a paragraph with style 'Heading 2' immediatly
follows a 'Heading 1' paragraph, both colors 'touch', if I put an empty
paragraph between them, the color is removed from the 'Spacing Before' and
'Spacing After' parts of the paragraph - that's what I want to happen even
when the two paragraphs are next to each other.
Is there any way to do this?
I tried putting different borders, but the problem returns if two paragraphs
with the same style follows one another.
Thanks for your help!