Paragrph markers in my e-mail



How do I get rid of the paragraph markers in my e-mail? They are showing up
after every line I write.


Diane Poremsky

Version of Outlook?

tools, options, view from the open message form
in outlook 2007, office orb (formerly File menu) - the editor options button
at the bottom right. click on Display on the left of the dialog.



Diane Poremsky said:
Version of Outlook?

tools, options, view from the open message form
in outlook 2007, office orb (formerly File menu) - the editor options button
at the bottom right. click on Display on the left of the dialog.


CTRL+Shift+8 on the keyboard is the method I use to turn those symbols on or
off. Make sure you are in the message when you do it.

Diane Poremsky

that only works if all formatting marks are turned on - including dots for
spaces and arrows for tabs. (There is usually a button with the paragraph
mark icon in it, highlighted in orange if you have it enabled).

If you set outlook or word to show only specific marks, that shortcut will
not turn them off.


I'm having the same problem. I already figured out how to turn the
formatting marks off. The problem is that everytime i compose a "reply"
email, by default the formatting marks show up again. Of course, i then turn
them off AGAIN, but i don't understand why it's defaulting to this. What can
i do to prevent it from recurring?

Roady [MVP]

Hard to say without any configuration information. A hard reset on your file by renaming it to .old most likely is a guaranteed fix.



I should have mentioned that its Outlook 2007. Will I be able to rename the file to .old? Also, i did try to do it, but it wouldn't permit me
to do it. what is the best way to do it.

Roady [MVP]

Outlook 2007? That changes everything. See; it's important to always mention
your version.
In that case it is normalemail.dotx

Anyway, do you use CTRL+SHIFT+8 to toggle the option or something else?


I have the paragraph symbol in the band (or shortcuts or whatever it's
called). I just click it. However, when i do, my text disappears sometimes.
Others have told me that my emails have strange symbols in them. I just
want the program to stop defaulting to the formatting marks. It's bizarre.
Also, as i stated in my last post, i tried to rename the file, but the
computer would not let me. I end up getting something like a "read only"
message. (Right now, i'm using a different machine with Outlook 2003, so i
can't recreate the scenario.)

Dave G

I found out by accident if you push control+shif+* the paragraph marks will
toggle on-off. Outlook 2007

Pat Willener

It's actually Ctrl+Shift+8 ... not all keyboard layouts have the
Asterisk on the Eight key.


I suppose you have not received an answer to this, since it was like a year
ago? I'm having the exact same trouble with my outlook 2007 and I have no
idea how it even got like that.

Any ideas?

F.H. Muffman

I suppose you have not received an answer to this, since it was like a
year ago? I'm having the exact same trouble with my outlook 2007 and I
have no idea how it even got like that.

When you're in a message where you see them, hit Control-Shift-8.

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