Parallels Installer Starts Email Message in Entouage



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: imap

Description: At the beginning of the installation process for Parallels 4.0, when I clicked on
the Parallels disk image, here's what happened: The installer started; a progress
bar appeared indicating that the installer program was checking for updates; this
progress bar disappeared; MS Entourage started and created an email message with
the installer program as an attachment. Closing or leaving Entourage open had
no affect on the installer program. The Activity Monitor showed the status of
the Parallels installer as "Not Responding."

I downloaded Parallels as part of the MacUpdate package, so the version of
Parallels is the latest -- ParallelsDesktop-parallels-en_US-4.0.3844.408728.dmg

My machine is an iMac 2.4Ghz, running Mac OS X 10.5.7 with 4GB ram.

William Smith [MVP]

Diane said:
I would contact Parallels for support. This is not an Entourage problem.

I agree that this is probably not an Entourage problem, however, I
suspect your LaunchServices database needs repairing. This database file
contains a list of what application should open what files.

Try running something like Cocktail to repair your LaunchServices
database or look for the Terminal command that you can run for free to
do the same thing.

You should also be able to install Parallels under a different Mac OS X
user account. Then just switch back to your regular user account to use
the software.

Hope this helps!



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Hello, Bill,

Thanks for the informative answer. Parallels Inc., suggested the same solution: installing Parallels under a different Mac OSX user account. I applied that solution about two weeks ago and the installation proceeded flawlessly.

But that solution did not enable me to resolve the underlying problem, which is, as you suggested, probably a corrupted LaunchServices database. I'll look for a terminal command to rebuild it.

Again, thanks for the very useful response. That's what I was seeking when I posted initially

Best regards,

Anthony L. Butler

Diane Ross

But that solution did not enable me to resolve the underlying problem, which
is, as you suggested, probably a corrupted LaunchServices database. I'll look
for a terminal command to rebuild it.

Try trashing the preference file. It could be this one:


You can just trash your, but then you'll have
to re-enable all of the items you had in your menu.

You can edit this file...

Go to your ~/Library/Preferences and open the
file in 'Property List'. You get this app with XCode / Developer
Tools. Click on the triangle beside 'Root' and then 'menuExtras'.

I have a problem with iClock and this is how I fix it, they have included
'Restart' that is to be used after you edit. Not sure
how to do this without this application.

Other possible preferences that could be involved:

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