Paramedic needs formula help!


David Erdman

I'm measuring some of our prehospital procedures with MS Excel and I'm
having a hard time with complicated formulas.

I have two columns with data. I need to count all the criteria in one column
only if it matches another criteria in the second column.

Any help would be appreciated. I assure you all that I am a far better
paramedic than I am an Excel user.

Lieutenant Dave Erdman
Broward Sheriff's Office
Department of Fire Rescue

(e-mail address removed)

Peo Sjoblom

One possible way


or maybe




10 130
149 180
102 63
183 105
15 99
28 168
155 80
182 44
123 117
179 68
88 132
86 84
11 52
68 23
88 93
124 69
195 162


note that in col "A" there is only one number <= 10 and it's opposite is 130

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