Parameter for query from Continous Form



I am using Access 2003 and am very new to Access. I have the following:

**PaymentRequestFrm--based upon RequestTbl--general information regarding
the payment request.

**SubFormPaymentRequest1--continuous form based upon DistributeQrySub1--SQL
view below

SELECT DistributionTbl.DistributionNumber, DistributionTbl.RequestNumber,
DistributionTbl.GLNumber, DistributionTbl.[Div-Dept],
DistributionTbl.DistributionAmount, BudgetTbl.BudgetAmount,
DistributionTbl!GLNumber & "-" & DistributionTbl![Div-Dept] AS
AccountNumber, IIf([Div-Dept] Is Null,1,0) AS ErrCk
FROM DistributionTbl LEFT JOIN BudgetTbl ON (DistributionTbl.GLNumber =
BudgetTbl.GLNumber) AND (DistributionTbl.[Div-Dept] =

**SubFormPaymentRequest2--continuous form based upon DistributeQrySub2 to
add up all DistributionAmounts for all Account Numbers--SQL view below

SELECT DistributeQryMain.GLNumber, DistributeQryMain.[Div-Dept],
DistributeQryMain.SumOfDistributionAmount, BudgetTbl.BudgetAmount,
[BudgetAmount]-[SumOfDistributionAmount] AS RemainingBudget
FROM (DivDeptTbl INNER JOIN DistributeQryMain ON DivDeptTbl.[Div-Dept] =
DistributeQryMain.[Div-Dept]) INNER JOIN BudgetTbl ON
(DistributeQryMain.GLNumber = BudgetTbl.GLNumber) AND (DivDeptTbl.[Div-Dept]
= BudgetTbl.DivisionDepartment)
GROUP BY DistributeQryMain.GLNumber, DistributeQryMain.[Div-Dept],
DistributeQryMain.SumOfDistributionAmount, BudgetTbl.BudgetAmount,

SQL for DistributeQryMain
SELECT DistributQrySub1.GLNumber, DistributQrySub1.[Div-Dept],
Sum(DistributQrySub1.DistributionAmount) AS SumOfDistributionAmount
FROM DistributQrySub1
GROUP BY DistributQrySub1.GLNumber, DistributQrySub1.[Div-Dept];

All queries, tables, and forms work like I need them to, except I need to
filter the DistributeQry2 for the SubFormPaymentRequest2 based upon the
GLNumber field and DivDept field in SubFormPaymentRequest1.

The PaymentRequestFrm has a total Amount Field and the
SubFormPaymentRequest1 can have a various number of lines that must equal
the total amount on the PaymentRequestFrm.

SubFormPaymentRequest1 entered previously for Request #1 has the following
GL Div-Dept Amt
7586 10-14 $20.00
7502 10-12 $ 6.00

SubFormPaymentRequest1 for Request # 2 has the following
GL Div-Dept Amt
7586 10-14 $10.00
7586 10-12 $ 5.00

SubFormPaymentRequest2 should only show
GL Div-Dept Amt
7586 10-14 $30.00
7586 10-12 $ 5.00

I suspect this would require code with an "And" statement built in the
AfterUpdate event of the Amount Field in SubFormPaymentRequest1, however I
have no idea how to build this statement as I am not very familiar with
Access coding. If anyone is willing to help me, I would appreciate it very



AUTO-REPLY From George Levitt

Please allow this to confirm a system receipt of your e-mail.

I am out of the office until Wednesday morning (1/12/05) and will not be
reviewing or responding to email or voicemail until that time.

I look forward to replying to your message on Wednesday.

Thanks and warmest regards, George

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