Parameter Input



I have a form that selects a client from a combo box. There is a sub-form
with a tree list control that I want to populate info applicable to the
client selected by the user. I have the the following code in the Form Load
event to do this, but it is not working:

'Build recordset for Categories (from a pre-selected client) at top level
SQL = "SELECT Categories.catID, Categories.pID, Categories.catName " & _
"FROM Categories " & _
"WHERE Categories.pID = [Forms]![frmComponents]![cbopID] " & _
"ORDER BY Categories.catName"

Does the problem reside in the code or the event that handles the code?

Ofer Cohen


Is that al the code you have?
Where do you assign the SQL to the sub form RecordSource?

Just base the RecordSource of the sub form with this SQL without using the
code on the OnLoad event,
and on the after update event of the combo "cbopID" run the code


to refresh the data


The 'Public Sub Polulate Tree ()' is called at 'Private Sub Form_Load()' & at
'Private Sub fmeView_AfterUpdate()'. Here is more code used to populate the
tree list control:

Public Sub PopulateTree()

Dim rstCategory As New ADODB.recordset, rstComponent As New ADODB.recordset
Dim rstSubComponent As New ADODB.recordset
Dim tvwTree As Object
Dim nodX As Node
Dim I As Integer
Dim blnAllRecs As Boolean
Dim SQL As String

Set tvwTree = Me.tvwItems

'Renumber all items

'Clear out all current items

'Set blnAllRecs to use in query building
If Me.fmeView = 1 Then
blnAllRecs = False
blnAllRecs = True
End If

'Build recordset for Categories (from a pre-selected client) at top level
SQL = "SELECT Categories.catID, Categories.pID, Categories.catName " & _
"FROM Categories " & _
"WHERE Categories.pID = '[Forms]![frmComponents]![txtpID] " &
"ORDER BY Categories.catName"

rstCategory.Open SQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic,
Note- Code stops running here!

If rstCategory.BOF And rstCategory.EOF Then
'Do Nothing
Do Until rstCategory.EOF
tvwTree.Nodes.Add , , "Cat " & CStr(rstCategory("catID")),
BuildItemString(True, rstCategory("catID"))

Note- More code adds any child nodes for components & subcomponents. The
recordsets are then closed & set to nothing.


Ofer Cohen said:

Is that al the code you have?
Where do you assign the SQL to the sub form RecordSource?

Just base the RecordSource of the sub form with this SQL without using the
code on the OnLoad event,
and on the after update event of the combo "cbopID" run the code


to refresh the data

Good Luck

Kro said:
I have a form that selects a client from a combo box. There is a sub-form
with a tree list control that I want to populate info applicable to the
client selected by the user. I have the the following code in the Form Load
event to do this, but it is not working:

'Build recordset for Categories (from a pre-selected client) at top level
SQL = "SELECT Categories.catID, Categories.pID, Categories.catName " & _
"FROM Categories " & _
"WHERE Categories.pID = [Forms]![frmComponents]![cbopID] " & _
"ORDER BY Categories.catName"

Does the problem reside in the code or the event that handles the code?

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