Parameter Query and "OR"


Student Databaser

I am trying to run a query that will show me the courses in a table that
began during a certain time period AND all on going courses that began before
the designated period. It seems so simple, but for some reason its not

Here's the SQL:

WHERE (((COURSE_OFFERINGS.BEGIN_DATE) Between [start date] And [end date]))

Ken Sheridan

Its always a good idea to declare date/time parameters as otherwise they
might be misinterpreted as arithmetical expressions. Try:

PARAMETERS [start date] DATETIME, [end date] DATETIME;
SELECT course_name, begin_date, delivery_mode
FROM course_offerings
WHERE begin_date BETWEEN [start date] AND [end date]
OR delivery_mode = "On Going";

Another possible cause of error is if delivery_mode is a foreign key column
referencing a numeric primary key of another table, e.g. delivery_modes, but
set up to show the text value from the other table. This will be the case if
the dreaded 'lookup wizard' has been used when setting the data type of the
column. If this is the case then the tables should be joined in the query,
and restricted on the value of the text column from the referenced table
being "On Going".

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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