parameter query from data access page


Alice Dawson

I am trying to create a data access page which will allow a simple parameter
query. I found an explanation and example on the Microsoft website:

I can just about follow most of the code; unfortunately I am stumped by the
part where the actual query takes place in the VBScript

"' This is the Jet syntax for adding the parameter values to the data source
MSODSC.RecordsetDefs("Employee Sales by Country").parametervalues.Add
"[Starting Date]", pStartingDate
MSODSC.RecordsetDefs("Employee Sales by Country").parametervalues.Add
"[Ending Date]", pEndingDate
I don't understand what any of this means. pStartingDate and pEndingDate
are the criteria that have been entered in a previous page and stored in
cookies but I can't follow how they are being used in a query. Is anyone
willing to decipher this for me?


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