Jim Moberg
I have a query that joins table A to Table B via the loan number. Table A
contains a record for each loan and an associated load ID that it was
uploaded into our system under. Table B contains other information I need to
pull along with the loan number and load ID.
When run the query prompts the user for an upload ID. For one of the ID's
(1599) no data is coming up at all. I have opened up table A and verified
there are records in the table under that ID. I then opened up table B and
successfully did a lookup for one of the loan numbers under load ID 1599.
I have been 100% successful at entering other load ID's at run time and
pulling up data. I can't for the life of me figure out what is so different
about these records. Table A was created from spreadsheet of loan numbers
and load ID's that I created manually.
Can anyone think of what might be the cause here?
I have a query that joins table A to Table B via the loan number. Table A
contains a record for each loan and an associated load ID that it was
uploaded into our system under. Table B contains other information I need to
pull along with the loan number and load ID.
When run the query prompts the user for an upload ID. For one of the ID's
(1599) no data is coming up at all. I have opened up table A and verified
there are records in the table under that ID. I then opened up table B and
successfully did a lookup for one of the loan numbers under load ID 1599.
I have been 100% successful at entering other load ID's at run time and
pulling up data. I can't for the life of me figure out what is so different
about these records. Table A was created from spreadsheet of loan numbers
and load ID's that I created manually.
Can anyone think of what might be the cause here?