je m'excuse, mais...
I just don't know of a way
to make a multi-parameter work
with an IN clause.
IN expects form
Select * From MyTable Where
MyTable_ID IN ('12','25')
and I have never figured out
how to convert so it works.
With a large dataset, the 2 efficient
ways I would tackle this are:
1)VBA...ask for parameters through inputbox
then parse user input, and rewrite SQL
2) use form with 2 listboxes bound to 2
tables (tblAvailable and tblSelected)
when open form fill tblAvailable with
all MyTable_ID's and clear tblSelected.
Put command buttons between listboxes
and when some are selected, pushing on
command button moves ID's from one table
to the other.
Your query would then be joined to tblSelected.
An example of this can be found on Helen's site
Access Archon Column #48
Archives said:
Thank for your answer.
Your code works fine but unfortunately, it seems that the clause LIKE don't
use the primary index of the table (MyTable_ID is well a primary index). So,
for huge tables, the answer time is too hight.
It is why I was thinking about a IN clause. this clause use indexes.
Gary Walter said:
How can I use a query using a parameter with the IN clause ? For example:
Select * From MyTable Where MyTable_ID IN ([MyParameter])
If MyParameter = "12", it works fine, but if I enter ""12;25", an error
How can I solve this problem ? Thanks
Hi Archives,
A typical solution is to use LIKE
instead of IN.
For instance, if you can train your
users to separate multi-parameters
with a semicolon:
Select * From MyTable
(";" & [MyParameter] & ";")
LIKE ("*;" & MyTable_ID & ";*" );
Please respond back if I have misunderstood.
Good luck,
Gary Walter