Parameter query with a crosstab query



My report is based on a crosstab query, when I add a parameter, and try to
open the report, i get the following error Microsoft Jet Databases Engine
does not recogniz " as a valid field name or expression
This is how my parameter looks like

I also have have the following sql part of the query
Select qryPipelineSum.Date
FROM qryPipelineSum
WHERE (((qryPipelineSum.Date) Between [forms]![ServiceLevel]![beginDate] And

When I enter sql part of the query I that is when I get the following error
Microsoft Jet Databases Engine does not recogniz " as a valid field name or
When I take it out, the report runs but does not filter the dates that I

Please help!


effectively, access just craps out when you build query on top of query

ms wont fix it; and it pisses me off

i'd reccomend taking either of these routes:

a) build query on top of query
b) use temp tables
c) use SQL 2005 Pivot Keyword and a sproc

Tom Wickerath


Please see the tutorial on crosstab queries that I have made available:

Crosstab Queries

Pay particular attention to paragraph 15, which references KB 209778:

If my answer has helped you, please answer yes to the question that reads
"Did this post answer the question?" at the bottom of the message thread.



My report is based on a crosstab query, when I add a parameter, and try to
open the report, i get the following error Microsoft Jet Databases Engine
does not recogniz " as a valid field name or expression
This is how my parameter looks like

I also have have the following sql part of the query
Select qryPipelineSum.Date
FROM qryPipelineSum
WHERE (((qryPipelineSum.Date) Between [forms]![ServiceLevel]![beginDate] And

When I enter sql part of the query I that is when I get the following error
Microsoft Jet Databases Engine does not recogniz " as a valid field name or
When I take it out, the report runs but does not filter the dates that I

Please help!

Tom Wickerath


Before getting all pissed off, perhaps you should take the time to learn
Access. There is a solution for JOM.



effectively, access just craps out when you build query on top of query

ms wont fix it; and it pisses me off

i'd reccomend taking either of these routes:

a) build query on top of query
b) use temp tables
c) use SQL 2005 Pivot Keyword and a sproc



Thanks for the reply, I did try everything but something weird is going on.
The query runs ok, but when I try to run it it gives me an error Microsoft
Jet Databases Engine does not recognize " as a valid field name or expression

If I Put the beginning date as 08/01/05 and ending date as 08/31/05 it runs
ok, but If I try to put a different date like 08/01/05 and ending date as
08/15/05, then I get the error, I have looked at the reports to makes sure
that I don't filters turned on but still only works with those 2 dates put in
ie the 08/01/05 and 08/31/05

I have no data function on the report but this is not being called. So if I
put those dates and an employee did not work, then it pulls all the records
that fall under that category.....................

Here is my actual preview code that is supposed to open the report
Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOk_Click

Dim stDocName As String

If IsNull(Me.cmbDaily) Then
MsgBox "Select an employee to Preview."
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see that ending date is later than beginning date.
If IsDate(BeginDate) And IsDate(EndDate) Then
If EndDate < BeginDate Then
MsgBox "The ending date must be later than the beginning date."
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Please use a valid date for the beginning date and the
ending date values."
Exit Sub
End If

strWhereEmpl = "EmpID = " & Forms![ServiceLevel]!cmbDaily
stDocName = "Daily Service Level Summary"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strWhereEmpl

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOk_Click

End Sub

*************************************************************the run time
error am getting is 3070

Tom Wickerath said:

Please see the tutorial on crosstab queries that I have made available:

Crosstab Queries

Pay particular attention to paragraph 15, which references KB 209778:

If my answer has helped you, please answer yes to the question that reads
"Did this post answer the question?" at the bottom of the message thread.



My report is based on a crosstab query, when I add a parameter, and try to
open the report, i get the following error Microsoft Jet Databases Engine
does not recogniz " as a valid field name or expression
This is how my parameter looks like

I also have have the following sql part of the query
Select qryPipelineSum.Date
FROM qryPipelineSum
WHERE (((qryPipelineSum.Date) Between [forms]![ServiceLevel]![beginDate] And

When I enter sql part of the query I that is when I get the following error
Microsoft Jet Databases Engine does not recogniz " as a valid field name or
When I take it out, the report runs but does not filter the dates that I

Please help!

Tom Wickerath


Can you send me a compacted (preferably zipped) copy of your database? It
will be easier to troubleshoot the error message if I can work with the
database. My "munged" e-mail address is indicated below.


QWaos168@XScom cast. Dnet (<--Remove all capitalized letters and spaces).



Thanks for the reply, I did try everything but something weird is going on.
The query runs ok, but when I try to run it it gives me an error Microsoft
Jet Databases Engine does not recognize " as a valid field name or expression

If I Put the beginning date as 08/01/05 and ending date as 08/31/05 it runs
ok, but If I try to put a different date like 08/01/05 and ending date as
08/15/05, then I get the error, I have looked at the reports to makes sure
that I don't filters turned on but still only works with those 2 dates put in
ie the 08/01/05 and 08/31/05

I have no data function on the report but this is not being called. So if I
put those dates and an employee did not work, then it pulls all the records
that fall under that category.....................

Here is my actual preview code that is supposed to open the report
Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOk_Click

Dim stDocName As String

If IsNull(Me.cmbDaily) Then
MsgBox "Select an employee to Preview."
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see that ending date is later than beginning date.
If IsDate(BeginDate) And IsDate(EndDate) Then
If EndDate < BeginDate Then
MsgBox "The ending date must be later than the beginning date."
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Please use a valid date for the beginning date and the
ending date values."
Exit Sub
End If

strWhereEmpl = "EmpID = " & Forms![ServiceLevel]!cmbDaily
stDocName = "Daily Service Level Summary"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strWhereEmpl

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOk_Click

End Sub

*************************************************************the run time
error am getting is 3070

Tom Wickerath


I spent some time this evening working up a sample that uses the same names
for the form, report, fields and controls on the report. If you send me a
private e-mail message, with a valid reply address, I'll be happy to send you
a zipped copy of my sample.

I didn't quite understand your query, so the example I present below uses my
crosstab query. The report that I used is designed to accomodate a crosstab
query result that has a maximum of 15 columns. It uses labels without
captions named "lblDay1", "lblDay2", "lblDay3", etc. and unbound textboxes
named "txtDay1", "txtDay2", "txtDay3", etc.

First, you should add Option Explicit as the second line of code to all of
your code modules. I'm pretty sure this is missing in your modules because
you use the variable strWhereEmpl without having first declared it. Here is a
"Gem Tip" that I wrote which explains why Option Explicit is a good thing
and, more importantly, how to configure the VB editor to always add it to new
code modules:

Always use "Option Explicit"

Try the following code as the click event procedure for the cmdOK command
button on your ServiceLevel form. Note that I have removed the line of code
that read:
strWhereEmpl = "EmpID = " & [Forms]![ServiceLevel]![cmbDaily]

and I have shortened the line of code that used to read:
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strWhereEmpl

so that it now reads:
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

'********Begin ServiceLevel form code***********
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
On Error GoTo ProcError

Dim stDocName As String

If IsNull(Me.cmbDaily) Then
MsgBox "Select an employee to Preview."
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see that ending date is later than beginning date.
If IsDate(BeginDate) And IsDate(EndDate) Then
If EndDate < BeginDate Then
MsgBox "The ending date must be later than the beginning date."
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Please use a valid date for the beginning date and the
ending date values."
Exit Sub
End If

stDocName = "Daily Service Level Summary"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 2501
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
vbCritical, "Error in procedure cmdHoursWorked_Click..."
End Select
Resume ExitProc

End Sub

'********End ServiceLevel form code***********

Add the following code to your Daily Service Level Summary report:

'********Begin Daily Service Level Summary report code***********
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Report_Activate()
End Sub

Private Sub Report_Close()
End Sub

Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo ProcError

MsgBox "There is no data available for the dates selected.", _
vbInformation, "No Data..."
Cancel = True

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description, , _
"Error in Daily Service Level Summary NoData event procedure"
Resume ExitProc

End Sub

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo ProcError

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim intColCount As Integer
Dim strName As String
Dim s1 As String

Set db = CurrentDb
s1 = Me.RecordSource

Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(s1)
qdf.Parameters(0) = [Forms]![ServiceLevel]![cmbDaily]
qdf.Parameters(1) = [Forms]![ServiceLevel]![BeginDate]
qdf.Parameters(2) = [Forms]![ServiceLevel]![EndDate]

Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset

intColCount = rs.Fields.Count
j = 1
' Fill in information for the necessary controls.
For i = 1 To intColCount - 1
strName = rs.Fields(i).Name
Me.Controls("lblDay" & j).Caption = strName
Me.Controls("txtDay" & j).ControlSource = strName
j = j + 1
Next i

'Move position of Row totals Label & Textbox if less than 13 months of data
is displayed
If intColCount < 15 Then
i = 0.65 * intColCount * 1440 'New left margin in twips (1 inch = 1440
'Me!lblTotalsByRow.Left = i
'Me!txtTotalsByRow.Left = i
'Me!txtGrandTotalCalc.Left = i

'Adjust widths of lines in Page Header and Report Footer sections
'Me!lnePageHeader.Width = i + 950
'Me!lneReportFooter.Width = i + 950
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set rs = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description, , _
"Error in Daily Service Level Summary Open event procedure"
Resume ExitProc

End Sub

'********End Daily Service Level Summary report code***********

If my answer has helped you, please answer yes to the question that reads
"Did this post answer the question?" at the bottom of the message thread.


QWaos168@XScom cast. Dnet (<--Remove all capitalized letters and spaces).



Thanks for the reply, I did try everything but something weird is going on.
The query runs ok, but when I try to run it it gives me an error Microsoft
Jet Databases Engine does not recognize " as a valid field name or expression

If I Put the beginning date as 08/01/05 and ending date as 08/31/05 it runs
ok, but If I try to put a different date like 08/01/05 and ending date as
08/15/05, then I get the error, I have looked at the reports to makes sure
that I don't filters turned on but still only works with those 2 dates put in
ie the 08/01/05 and 08/31/05

I have no data function on the report but this is not being called. So if I
put those dates and an employee did not work, then it pulls all the records
that fall under that category.....................

Here is my actual preview code that is supposed to open the report
Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOk_Click

Dim stDocName As String

If IsNull(Me.cmbDaily) Then
MsgBox "Select an employee to Preview."
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see that ending date is later than beginning date.
If IsDate(BeginDate) And IsDate(EndDate) Then
If EndDate < BeginDate Then
MsgBox "The ending date must be later than the beginning date."
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Please use a valid date for the beginning date and the
ending date values."
Exit Sub
End If

strWhereEmpl = "EmpID = " & Forms![ServiceLevel]!cmbDaily
stDocName = "Daily Service Level Summary"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strWhereEmpl

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOk_Click

End Sub

the run time
error am getting is 3070


my private email is (e-mail address removed)

Tom Wickerath said:

I spent some time this evening working up a sample that uses the same names
for the form, report, fields and controls on the report. If you send me a
private e-mail message, with a valid reply address, I'll be happy to send you
a zipped copy of my sample.

I didn't quite understand your query, so the example I present below uses my
crosstab query. The report that I used is designed to accomodate a crosstab
query result that has a maximum of 15 columns. It uses labels without
captions named "lblDay1", "lblDay2", "lblDay3", etc. and unbound textboxes
named "txtDay1", "txtDay2", "txtDay3", etc.

First, you should add Option Explicit as the second line of code to all of
your code modules. I'm pretty sure this is missing in your modules because
you use the variable strWhereEmpl without having first declared it. Here is a
"Gem Tip" that I wrote which explains why Option Explicit is a good thing
and, more importantly, how to configure the VB editor to always add it to new
code modules:

Always use "Option Explicit"

Try the following code as the click event procedure for the cmdOK command
button on your ServiceLevel form. Note that I have removed the line of code
that read:
strWhereEmpl = "EmpID = " & [Forms]![ServiceLevel]![cmbDaily]

and I have shortened the line of code that used to read:
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strWhereEmpl

so that it now reads:
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

'********Begin ServiceLevel form code***********
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
On Error GoTo ProcError

Dim stDocName As String

If IsNull(Me.cmbDaily) Then
MsgBox "Select an employee to Preview."
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see that ending date is later than beginning date.
If IsDate(BeginDate) And IsDate(EndDate) Then
If EndDate < BeginDate Then
MsgBox "The ending date must be later than the beginning date."
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Please use a valid date for the beginning date and the
ending date values."
Exit Sub
End If

stDocName = "Daily Service Level Summary"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 2501
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
vbCritical, "Error in procedure cmdHoursWorked_Click..."
End Select
Resume ExitProc

End Sub

'********End ServiceLevel form code***********

Add the following code to your Daily Service Level Summary report:

'********Begin Daily Service Level Summary report code***********
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Report_Activate()
End Sub

Private Sub Report_Close()
End Sub

Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo ProcError

MsgBox "There is no data available for the dates selected.", _
vbInformation, "No Data..."
Cancel = True

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description, , _
"Error in Daily Service Level Summary NoData event procedure"
Resume ExitProc

End Sub

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo ProcError

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim intColCount As Integer
Dim strName As String
Dim s1 As String

Set db = CurrentDb
s1 = Me.RecordSource

Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(s1)
qdf.Parameters(0) = [Forms]![ServiceLevel]![cmbDaily]
qdf.Parameters(1) = [Forms]![ServiceLevel]![BeginDate]
qdf.Parameters(2) = [Forms]![ServiceLevel]![EndDate]

Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset

intColCount = rs.Fields.Count
j = 1
' Fill in information for the necessary controls.
For i = 1 To intColCount - 1
strName = rs.Fields(i).Name
Me.Controls("lblDay" & j).Caption = strName
Me.Controls("txtDay" & j).ControlSource = strName
j = j + 1
Next i

'Move position of Row totals Label & Textbox if less than 13 months of data
is displayed
If intColCount < 15 Then
i = 0.65 * intColCount * 1440 'New left margin in twips (1 inch = 1440
'Me!lblTotalsByRow.Left = i
'Me!txtTotalsByRow.Left = i
'Me!txtGrandTotalCalc.Left = i

'Adjust widths of lines in Page Header and Report Footer sections
'Me!lnePageHeader.Width = i + 950
'Me!lneReportFooter.Width = i + 950
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set rs = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description, , _
"Error in Daily Service Level Summary Open event procedure"
Resume ExitProc

End Sub

'********End Daily Service Level Summary report code***********

If my answer has helped you, please answer yes to the question that reads
"Did this post answer the question?" at the bottom of the message thread.


QWaos168@XScom cast. Dnet (<--Remove all capitalized letters and spaces).



Thanks for the reply, I did try everything but something weird is going on.
The query runs ok, but when I try to run it it gives me an error Microsoft
Jet Databases Engine does not recognize " as a valid field name or expression

If I Put the beginning date as 08/01/05 and ending date as 08/31/05 it runs
ok, but If I try to put a different date like 08/01/05 and ending date as
08/15/05, then I get the error, I have looked at the reports to makes sure
that I don't filters turned on but still only works with those 2 dates put in
ie the 08/01/05 and 08/31/05

I have no data function on the report but this is not being called. So if I
put those dates and an employee did not work, then it pulls all the records
that fall under that category.....................

Here is my actual preview code that is supposed to open the report
Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOk_Click

Dim stDocName As String

If IsNull(Me.cmbDaily) Then
MsgBox "Select an employee to Preview."
Exit Sub
End If

'Check to see that ending date is later than beginning date.
If IsDate(BeginDate) And IsDate(EndDate) Then
If EndDate < BeginDate Then
MsgBox "The ending date must be later than the beginning date."
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Please use a valid date for the beginning date and the
ending date values."
Exit Sub
End If

strWhereEmpl = "EmpID = " & Forms![ServiceLevel]!cmbDaily
stDocName = "Daily Service Level Summary"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strWhereEmpl

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOk_Click

End Sub

the run time
error am getting is 3070

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