Parameter query


Graeme at Raptup

I am using parameters to run a query.
I would like to set the second parameter below so that like (1) below it is
not required and will output all records if it is left blank.
Can this be done without too much hassle?

(1) Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Company] & "*"

(2) Between [Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] And [Forms]![Artwork

Allen Browne

Switch the query to SQL View (View menu)

You will see the WHERE clause something like this:
WHERE [Table1].[MyDateField] Between
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate]
And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate]

Change it to:
WHERE (([Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] Is Null)
OR ([Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate] Is Null)
OR ([Table1].[MyDateField] Between
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate]
And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate]))

If either text box is left blank, the query will return all records. If they
both have a date, only records between the 2 dates are returned.

If this query is the source for a report, it might be more efficient to
leave the criteria out of the query, and use the WhereCondition of
OpenReport instead. For details, see:
Limiting a Report to a Date Range


You can try this, incase of a null assign dates that you can't get smaller or
grater then the one you have in your data

Between NZ([Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate],#1/1/1800#) And
NZ([Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate], #1/1/2500#)

Graeme at Raptup

Thanks Allen,
I thought I'd solved this. Now I find that other criteria are not working.
I'm sure it's syntax related, but can't seem to work out where I'm going
The full query is as follows;
SELECT Company.Company, [Artwork approval].InStoreDate, [Artwork
approval].Retailer, [Artwork approval].Character, [Artwork
approval].Category, [Artwork approval].Units, [Artwork approval].Price,
[Artwork approval].CostPrice, [Artwork approval].Sales, [Artwork
FROM Company INNER JOIN [Artwork approval] ON Company.CompanyID = [Artwork
WHERE (((Company.Company) Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Company] & "*") AND
(([Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] Is Null) Or ([Forms]![Artwork
query]![EndDate] Is Null) Or ([Artwork approval].InStoreDate) Between
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate])
AND (([Artwork approval].Category) Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Category] &

The date part works fine, but at the expense of other criteria!?

Allen Browne said:
Switch the query to SQL View (View menu)

You will see the WHERE clause something like this:
WHERE [Table1].[MyDateField] Between
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate]
And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate]

Change it to:
WHERE (([Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] Is Null)
OR ([Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate] Is Null)
OR ([Table1].[MyDateField] Between
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate]
And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate]))

If either text box is left blank, the query will return all records. If they
both have a date, only records between the 2 dates are returned.

If this query is the source for a report, it might be more efficient to
leave the criteria out of the query, and use the WhereCondition of
OpenReport instead. For details, see:
Limiting a Report to a Date Range

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Graeme at Raptup said:
I am using parameters to run a query.
I would like to set the second parameter below so that like (1) below it
not required and will output all records if it is left blank.
Can this be done without too much hassle?

(1) Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Company] & "*"

(2) Between [Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] And [Forms]![Artwork

Allen Browne

The AND and OR phrases in the WHERE clause are ambiguous, since:
is not the same as:

It is also a good idea to declare the paramters (especially the dates) so
they are understood correctly. You can do that through Parameters on the
Query menu in query design.

I think this is what you are after:

PARAMETERS [Forms]![Artwork query]![Company] Text (255),
[Forms]![Artwork query]![Category] Text(255),
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] DateTime,
[Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate] DateTime;
SELECT Company.Company,
[Artwork approval].InStoreDate,
[Artwork approval].Retailer,
[Artwork approval].Character,
[Artwork approval].Category,
[Artwork approval].Units,
[Artwork approval].Price,
[Artwork approval].CostPrice,
[Artwork approval].Sales,
[Artwork approval].Royalty
FROM Company INNER JOIN [Artwork approval]
ON Company.CompanyID = [Artwork approval].CompanyID
WHERE (Company.Company Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Company] & "*")
AND ([Artwork approval].Category Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Category] &
AND (([Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] Is Null)
Or ([Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate] Is Null)
Or ([Artwork approval].InStoreDate)
Between [Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate]
And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate]));

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Thanks Allen,
I thought I'd solved this. Now I find that other criteria are not working.
I'm sure it's syntax related, but can't seem to work out where I'm going
The full query is as follows;
SELECT Company.Company, [Artwork approval].InStoreDate, [Artwork
approval].Retailer, [Artwork approval].Character, [Artwork
approval].Category, [Artwork approval].Units, [Artwork approval].Price,
[Artwork approval].CostPrice, [Artwork approval].Sales, [Artwork
FROM Company INNER JOIN [Artwork approval] ON Company.CompanyID = [Artwork
WHERE (((Company.Company) Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Company] & "*")
(([Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] Is Null) Or ([Forms]![Artwork
query]![EndDate] Is Null) Or ([Artwork approval].InStoreDate) Between
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate])
AND (([Artwork approval].Category) Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Category]

The date part works fine, but at the expense of other criteria!?

Allen Browne said:
Switch the query to SQL View (View menu)

You will see the WHERE clause something like this:
WHERE [Table1].[MyDateField] Between
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate]
And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate]

Change it to:
WHERE (([Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] Is Null)
OR ([Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate] Is Null)
OR ([Table1].[MyDateField] Between
[Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate]
And [Forms]![Artwork query]![EndDate]))

If either text box is left blank, the query will return all records. If
both have a date, only records between the 2 dates are returned.

If this query is the source for a report, it might be more efficient to
leave the criteria out of the query, and use the WhereCondition of
OpenReport instead. For details, see:
Limiting a Report to a Date Range

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Graeme at Raptup said:
I am using parameters to run a query.
I would like to set the second parameter below so that like (1) below
not required and will output all records if it is left blank.
Can this be done without too much hassle?

(1) Like [Forms]![Artwork query]![Company] & "*"

(2) Between [Forms]![Artwork query]![StartDate] And [Forms]![Artwork

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