Parameter question on query in Excel (Repost)


Leanne M (Aussie)

Now I can not get it to work for Invoice History (Cell address with B in)

I have done exactly the same thing but can only get responses for one site
and not others.

I even tried editing the Visit report and changing the c to a b and then
saving it as Invoice - just to make sure I was not doing anything wrong. It
still does not work. I really need my head examining for agreeing to do this
- I should have admited it was beyond my capacity.

Leanne M (Aussie)
(Changed Display name from Leanne)
United Kingdom
(Don''t ask me what an Aussie is doing living in the UK!)

As this is a repost I have copied the last two replies below.
FSt1 said:
hi leanne,
i just did a test on your data. i copied your data and pasted it seveal time
to create a dummy table. i created an MSQ and for critera (in the wizard) i
use.....Like %C%....
the MSQ returned all C location.

in the MSQ criteria pane , it displayed as '%C%'

i also use the Contains keyword. .....contains C...
and i got all C's again. you might try that.

so i am now unsure as to what your are doing wrong unless it just a syntax

I have tried this again as I noticed that you did not mention anything about
Visit Date = is not null. This is what is causing me not to see the results
I want. I have changed it to Visit date = Like '%' and I get what I want.

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