Parameter Value Query in Report


david bruyntjes


I'm designing my first database and have run into the following problem;

In a report I am designing I would like to have a calculation at the end of
the report that multiplies a sum that has been calculated in the same report
with a value that has been calculated by a specific query I have designed.

In the text box in the report I have the following expression:

=[Sum Of NormalTime]*[Full Salary Adjustment List]![Net NT HR]

When I try to view the report in the Normal View the report asks me to enter
parameter values for the Query from which I have taken specific values for
the above mentioned calculation (Full Salary Adjustment List). As far as I
know this Query is not a parameter query and I haven't set any such
parameters in any of the tables and queries that contributed to its creation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Allen Browne

The report is not able to read the value from the query like that.

You might be able to do it with a DLookup() like this:
=[Sum Of NormalTime] *
DLookup("[NetNT HR]", "[Full Salary Adjustment List]")

More help on DLookup():

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

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