Parameter Value



I made some changes to a table & form and now when I try
to run the query, I'm getting a message box "Enter
Parameter Value". How can I run my query?

Jeff Boyce

Just a guess, but does one of the changes involve a field name in a table
that you refer to in the query that now gives you the message?

Open the query in design mode and look for the output field that Access has
changed to begin with "Expr1" (or some such). This expression probably
contains the fieldname it can no longer find, which is why it's asking...

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Van T. Dinh

Your Query probably refers to Field name(s) that no longer exist in your
Table(s). If JET can't find the name(s) in your Table(s), they will be
treated as Parameters. When the Query is executed, JET will ask you for the
values of the Parameters.

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