i think it is a description for a function.
you can add a description with Application.MacroOptions
a example that i'm using...
With Application
'.MacroOptions Macro:="", Description:="", Category:=1
'//Risk-Adjusted Performance Measures
.MacroOptions Macro:="mSHARPE", Description:="It is calculated by
subtracting the risk free rate from the rate of return for a portfolio and
dividing the result by the standard deviation of the portfolio returns.",
.MacroOptions Macro:="mTREYNOR", Description:="the Treynor Ratio
(sometimes called Reward-to-Variability-Ratio) also relates excess return to
risk; but systematic risk instead of total risk is used. The higher the
Treynor Ratio, the better the performance under analysis.", Category:=1
.MacroOptions Macro:="mIR", Description:="In investing terminology,
the ratio of expected return to risk, as measured by standard deviation.
Usually, this statistical technique is used to measure a manager's
performance against a benchmark.", Category:=1
.MacroOptions Macro:="mALPHA", Description:="ALPHA is the
risk-adjusted returns that a portfolio manager generates in excess of the
risk-adjusted returns expected by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).",
.MacroOptions Macro:="mBETA", Description:="BETA determines the
relationship of the undiversifiable risks in relation to the expected return
of the stock", Category:=1
.MacroOptions Macro:="JENSEN", Description:="Jensen's Alpha measures
the value added by selection activities. Alpha is defined as the difference
between the average realized return of a portfolio manager with private
information and the expected return of the passive strategy based upon public
information only with equal systematic risk.", Category:=1
.MacroOptions Macro:="mSORTINO", Description:="the Sortion Ratio
indicates the excess return per unit of 'risk' associated with the 'excess
return'. While 'risk' in the context of the Sharpe ratio means volatility,
the Sortino Ratio uses downside-volatility.", Category:=1
.MacroOptions Macro:="mRESIDUAL_VARIANCE", Description:="Also called
unexplained variance. In general, the variance of any residual", Category:=1
End With
*Category Number
'The category numbers are as shown below:
'0 No category appears only in All
'1 Financial
'2 Date & Time
'3 Math & Trig
'4 Statistical
'5 Lookup & Reference
'6 Database
'7 Text
'8 Logical
'9 Information
'10 Commands normally hidden
'11 Customizing normally hidden
'12 Macro Control normally hidden
'13 DDE/External normally hidden
'14 User Defined default
'15 Engineering only available if the Analysis Toolpak add-in is installed
msn (e-mail address removed)
the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.
the second best time, is today - Chinese proverb
I am trying to create a auto-label to display the valid parameters
that would appear when you enter a user defined function into a
worksheet, much the same way that a label appears when you type:
and then the following label appears below the active cell:
"Sum(number1, [number2],...)"
I would like a lable like this to appear, with text I define, when I
input my user-defined function into a worksheet.
Can anyone help?