Parse email text



I wonder if anyone could get me started on how to parse the text body
of an email.

The body looks like this:

|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |
Thursday |Friday |Saturday |
|03/09/08 |03/10/08 |03/11/08 |03/12/08 |
03/13/08 |03/14/08 |03/15/08 |
7550 |OFF | 0930-1730| 0900-1700| 0900-1700|
0930-1730| 0930-1730|OFF |
Joe, Hammer |L 1400-1500|T 0900-1300|T 0900-1300|L 1400-1500|
1400-1500| |
| | |L 1300-1400|L
1300-1400| | | |
| | |T 1400-1700|T
1400-1700| | | |

The email contains a list of schedules for several people.
basically it is just a text file.
The first 'column' is dependent on the longest name of all the
individuals, the weekly 'columns' are static in size but as you can
see they can have several 'rows'.
These events are triggered by a letter code in front of the hour.
I need to parse each person and find any special events and copy them
into rows.

In my example I need to look for all the times
that have a 'T', for ie Tuesday 0900-1300 and 1400-1700.

I have been playing with this for awhile and all I come up is a messy
spaghetti code and I not getting anywhere.
My difficulty is that the info is not located in the same place but it
is dynamic, so I need to find a way to find in the text.
I would appreciate any help that would get me started on this.


You may have better luck posting in a Word group, or Lotus Notes or

Cliff Edwards

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