Parse Feild

  • Thread starter mattc66 via
  • Start date

mattc66 via

I have a feild of data that I need to parse. It is formated as follows: (This
comes from an external data souce this is how I get the data).

SHIP DATE B 6/5/06

I want to seperate it into 3 seperate feilds.

FLD1: SHIP DATE (Text) This will be static
FLD2: B (Text) This will be a Q, B, or and E
FLD3 6/5/06 (Date) This will be the desired ship date. Sometimes the user
types - instead of /.

How would it type the VB code to parse this data?


Marshall Barton

mattc66 said:
I have a feild of data that I need to parse. It is formated as follows: (This
comes from an external data souce this is how I get the data).

SHIP DATE B 6/5/06

I want to seperate it into 3 seperate feilds.

FLD1: SHIP DATE (Text) This will be static
FLD2: B (Text) This will be a Q, B, or and E
FLD3 6/5/06 (Date) This will be the desired ship date. Sometimes the user
types - instead of /.

I'm not sure I understand the rule for Fld2, but here's a
shot at it:

Fld1: Left(field, 9)
Fld2: Mid(field, 11, 1)
Fld3: CDate(Mid(field, 13))

mattc66 via

That works okay, but it's not very forgiving. If they had a typed the ship
date and added ":" after it the query fails with that extra space.

Is there a way to just parse based on spaces, to be a little more forgiving?
In my query I am going to locate this date if the FLD1 = like "Ship*" and if
FLD2 = like "Q" or like "B" or like "E".

This data is coming from the order detail and this information is found in a
line comment. In a perfect world I would change the source so that the QBE
info was a dedicated data entry fld, but I cant.

Note: Fld2 is an internal flag that identifies the ship date. Q = Quoted the
customer a ship date, therefore it must ship on or before that date. E = It
must ship on this date, EXPECTED. B = Budgeted date or standard ship date.
Can ship around this date no later then 2 days after date. More then you
wanted to know, but I find it helpful to know what the data means.


Marshall said:
I have a feild of data that I need to parse. It is formated as follows: (This
comes from an external data souce this is how I get the data).
[quoted text clipped - 7 lines]
FLD3 6/5/06 (Date) This will be the desired ship date. Sometimes the user
types - instead of /.

I'm not sure I understand the rule for Fld2, but here's a
shot at it:

Fld1: Left(field, 9)
Fld2: Mid(field, 11, 1)
Fld3: CDate(Mid(field, 13))

John Nurick

Hi Matt,

You could use the rgxExtract function at This


will find "SHIP DATE" in upper or lower case with any number of spaces
between the words, ignore any punctuation, spaces or tabs following DATE
and grab B, E or Q, and then grab a date with its pieces separated by
slashes, hyphens or periods.

That works okay, but it's not very forgiving. If they had a typed the ship
date and added ":" after it the query fails with that extra space.

Is there a way to just parse based on spaces, to be a little more forgiving?
In my query I am going to locate this date if the FLD1 = like "Ship*" and if
FLD2 = like "Q" or like "B" or like "E".

This data is coming from the order detail and this information is found in a
line comment. In a perfect world I would change the source so that the QBE
info was a dedicated data entry fld, but I cant.

Note: Fld2 is an internal flag that identifies the ship date. Q = Quoted the
customer a ship date, therefore it must ship on or before that date. E = It
must ship on this date, EXPECTED. B = Budgeted date or standard ship date.
Can ship around this date no later then 2 days after date. More then you
wanted to know, but I find it helpful to know what the data means.


Marshall said:
I have a feild of data that I need to parse. It is formated as follows: (This
comes from an external data souce this is how I get the data).
[quoted text clipped - 7 lines]
FLD3 6/5/06 (Date) This will be the desired ship date. Sometimes the user
types - instead of /.

I'm not sure I understand the rule for Fld2, but here's a
shot at it:

Fld1: Left(field, 9)
Fld2: Mid(field, 11, 1)
Fld3: CDate(Mid(field, 13))

mattc66 via

This is awsome... Thank you it works great.

John said:
Hi Matt,

You could use the rgxExtract function at This


will find "SHIP DATE" in upper or lower case with any number of spaces
between the words, ignore any punctuation, spaces or tabs following DATE
and grab B, E or Q, and then grab a date with its pieces separated by
slashes, hyphens or periods.
That works okay, but it's not very forgiving. If they had a typed the ship
date and added ":" after it the query fails with that extra space.
[quoted text clipped - 28 lines]

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