parsing field



I receive a worksheet weekly that comes with both the last
name and first initial in the same field (jones c). I
would like to have the last name in one field and the
first initial in another field. How would I do this?


Select the values
Data->Text To Columns
Select the "Delimited" box <Next>
Select "Space" as the delimiter (and de-select any others that may get
in the way (comma's for ex))
<Next> etc.
This will split the names for you.
Depending on the makeup of the names you may have to do some "playing
around" If, for ex, the last name has a space in it, then XL will parse
it on the first delimiter it finds, which will split the last name.
Read the Help on the subject


Please reply to the NG, I'm already up to my eyeballs in Nigerian/South
African get rich letters
as well as "Microsoft Critical Updates" et al.

Tom Ogilvy

Make sure the column to the right is blank (or insert a column)

select the column with the data and do Data=>Text to Columns

Select delimited and space as the delimiter.

If you have last names with embedded spaces, this will not work.

You could use a formula
=trim(left(Trim(A2),len(trim(A2))-1)) =Right(Trim(A2),1)

drag fill the formulas down the column.

Tom Ogilvy

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