I have to parse a string, C:\WINDOWS\Help\AGT0405.HLP, in a query and split
the FileName. I have written expressions so that "C:\WINDOWS\Help\ show in
the folder path column. I also wrote an expression to put the FileName into
a column, AGT0406.HLP. But I need to also split the FileName down to a
Prefix Column being the alphabetic portion, AGT and a suffix column that
would show the 0405 (numeric). Is there an expression that would break the
file down lower? These are the expressions that were written:
Path: Left([Files],InStrRev([Files],"\"))
FileName: Mid([Files],InStrRev([Files],"\")+1,15) (These work.)
the FileName. I have written expressions so that "C:\WINDOWS\Help\ show in
the folder path column. I also wrote an expression to put the FileName into
a column, AGT0406.HLP. But I need to also split the FileName down to a
Prefix Column being the alphabetic portion, AGT and a suffix column that
would show the 0405 (numeric). Is there an expression that would break the
file down lower? These are the expressions that were written:
Path: Left([Files],InStrRev([Files],"\"))
FileName: Mid([Files],InStrRev([Files],"\")+1,15) (These work.)