I have a string I pluck from a website. That string may or may not
contain a dollar figure such as $400000.
I would like to determine if in fact it does contain such a number
whether or not that number is greater than say $300000,
If it's less than that number, or contains no dollar figures at all, I
store it in an Excel cell otherwise I discard the string and go to the
next string and repeat.
I'm not sure where to start. Thoughts that come to mind include
inStr(), filter() and find(), but I don't quite understand how to use
filter(), and the other two don't seem quite right for the job.
As I type this out, I'm thinking that first I have to determine if the
string has a number - any number at all. Not sure how to do that.
Perhaps split() the string into a multi-element array and then check
each array element to see if it's a number with... isNum?
Better, simpler ideas? Actual code?
Thank you
contain a dollar figure such as $400000.
I would like to determine if in fact it does contain such a number
whether or not that number is greater than say $300000,
If it's less than that number, or contains no dollar figures at all, I
store it in an Excel cell otherwise I discard the string and go to the
next string and repeat.
I'm not sure where to start. Thoughts that come to mind include
inStr(), filter() and find(), but I don't quite understand how to use
filter(), and the other two don't seem quite right for the job.
As I type this out, I'm thinking that first I have to determine if the
string has a number - any number at all. Not sure how to do that.
Perhaps split() the string into a multi-element array and then check
each array element to see if it's a number with... isNum?
Better, simpler ideas? Actual code?
Thank you