partial derivative of a function


Ali Baba

am trying to write a function to find the partial derivative of a function.
The function can then be called from a worksheet cell almost exactly as one
would write them normally.

For example,
we have this equation
f(Z1, Z2, Z3) = Z1^2+Z2*Z3^3-Z3^0.5

and Z1 = 2, Z2 = 4, Z3 = 6

if we want to find the partial derivative with respect to Z1 then:

= DerivativeX("Z1^2+Z2*Z3^3-Z3^0.5", 2,"Z1")
= 4

with respect to Z2
= DerivativeX("Z1^2+Z2*Z3^3-Z3^0.5", 2,"Z2")
= 216

and so on .............

So all I am doing is to substitute the values of Z2 and Z3 in the function
and then do a normal differentiation with respect to Z1. Similarity, I
substitute Z1 and Z3 to get the derivative with respect to Z2, .....

I don't know what is wrong with the code. So can anybody help me to correct
it and get it working.

Thanks for any help


Option Explicit
Dim Z1 As Double
Dim Z2 As Double
Dim Z3 As Double

Function DerivativeX(func As String, a As Double, V As String) As Double

Const h = 0.0001
Dim n1 As Double, n2 As Double

Z1 = Range("C13")
Z2 = Range("C14")
Z3 = Range("C15")

Select Case UCase(Left(V, 1))
Case Is = "Z1"
func = Replace(func, "Z2", Z2)
func = Replace(func, "Z3", Z3)
n1 = (eval(func, a + (h / 2), Z1) - eval(func, a - (h / 2), Z1)) / h
n2 = (eval(func, a + h, Z1) - eval(func, a - h, Z1)) / (2 * h)

Case Is = "Z2"
func = Replace(func, "Z1", Z1)
func = Replace(func, "Z3", Z3)
n1 = (eval(func, a + (h / 2), Z2) - eval(func, a - (h / 2), Z2)) / h
n2 = (eval(func, a + h, Z2) - eval(func, a - h, Z2)) / (2 * h)

Case Is = "Z3"
func = Replace(func, "Z1", Z1)
func = Replace(func, "Z2", Z2)
n1 = (eval(func, a + (h / 2), Z3) - eval(func, a - (h / 2), Z3)) / h
n2 = (eval(func, a + h, Z3) - eval(func, a - h, Z3)) / (2 * h)

End Select

DerivativeX = (4 * n1 - n2) / 3

End Function

Function eval(funct As String, Z As Double, V As String) As Double
eval = Evaluate(funct)

Select Case UCase(Left(V, 1))
Case Is = "Z1"
Z1 = Z
Case Is = "Z2"
Z2 = Z
Case Is = "Z3"
Z3 = Z
End Select

End Function

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