Sure. That was a random example. Actually it is a county wide voters data
base. My "Group 5" would really be a precinct.
I would want to work on one precinct at a time. Since the whole database is
quite large, it would be beneficial if it could be broken up.
Also there might be other groupings so it wouldn't be as simple as just
segregating precinct numbers. (Townships, districts, etc.) And, it would
still be important to have the original DB available.
It sounds like you're using the term "database" to refer to a Table.
In Access jargon, a Database is the .mdb file "container" for multiple
tables, forms, queries and other objects. It would not be appropriate
(usually) to create another database unless this one is very large -
by which I mean approaching the 2 billion byte (tens of millions of
rows in the largest table) limit of Access databases. Unless you're
talking about Los Angeles County or the New York metropolitan area, I
suspect you're rather far from this limit.
If you have an index on each field that you wish to use to subset the
data (precinct number, township, etc.) then you're really much better
off just using Queries to select the records from the original table.
Storing multiple redundant tables (the main table AND lots of
independent precinct tables, say) is not necessary, will NOT make your
database smaller (much bigger, instead), will not improve efficiency
and is generally a bad idea.
If you ARE dealing with gigabytes of data... perhaps your jurisdiction
can afford a true client-server application such as SQL/Server.
John W. Vinson[MVP]