parts of seconds: Input & Display



I have read the previous posts on how to store and display tenths and
hundreths of a second, but can't quite make it all work.

I understand the concept of storing as a long integer and then converting to
display 123.45 as 2:03.45 using =[SwimTime]\60 & ":" &
Format([SwimTime]-60*([SwimTime]\60),"00.00") but am having some difficulty.

I have set up a table with a field set as a Number, Double & 2 decimal
places. I have inserted the numer 123.45 directly into the Table (in
Datasheet view).

On a Form I have set up a TextBox to allow me to enter and display the time.
If I set the Control Source to the name of the TextBox (as I do with other
TextBoxes that I need to display info from the Table), I just get the value
of "123.45", as I would expect.

If I set the Control Source to "=[SwimTime]\60 & ":" &
Format([SwimTime]-60*([SwimTime]\60),"00.00")" then it will display 2:03.45,
but I can not edit the time (from the Form) as I get a "Control can't be
edited; it's bound to the expression [SwimTime]\60 & ":" &
Format([SwimTime]-60*([SwimTime]\60),"00.00") ".

I presume I am doing the wrong thing in the wrong place (somewhere)?!?!

Put simply, I need to be able to enter the time as 2:03.45 in my Form, which
is also how it displays (in the same TextBox) whilst having it stored as
123.45 in the Table.

Sorry It's a bit long winded, but I though it would help outline my
situation better.

(also sorry for being so thick :)

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