mlkiser via AccessMonster.com
Hello. FIrst time poster and relatively new Access user. I have only a basic
knowledge of Access and VB and no formal training on either.
I have several checklists I am building, all a slightly different variation.
On these checklists is a button to send an email to the individual whose
record is displayed. Though the checklists are different, the email format
will be the same so I only want to build it once. What I need to do though to
make it work is be able to build a table on the fly that contains all the
variables that need to go in to the email, all of which aren't on the form.
So what I want to do is, when the email button is pressed on any of these
checklists, I want to build a table for only that social. I want the same
query to build the table no matter which checklist the button is pressed on.
As such, I want to build a query that will accept the Social Security Number
(var name ssan) as the cirteria. In other words, I want one query to work for
all seven checklists.
I have tried to build the query using just the component [ssan] as the
criteria but that doesn't work. It will only work if I put the full form path.
Needless to say, this isn't what I want as I don't want to have seven queries,
I just want to have one. So, two things here. One, why won't the criteria
work as I have it? If all the forms have the variable ssan, why can't I use
that as the criteria and have it accept whatever value the form happens to
have at the time? Two, since i have to accept the fact it doesn't work, how
can I do this so the query will work no matter what the from is that passes
the SSAN?
knowledge of Access and VB and no formal training on either.
I have several checklists I am building, all a slightly different variation.
On these checklists is a button to send an email to the individual whose
record is displayed. Though the checklists are different, the email format
will be the same so I only want to build it once. What I need to do though to
make it work is be able to build a table on the fly that contains all the
variables that need to go in to the email, all of which aren't on the form.
So what I want to do is, when the email button is pressed on any of these
checklists, I want to build a table for only that social. I want the same
query to build the table no matter which checklist the button is pressed on.
As such, I want to build a query that will accept the Social Security Number
(var name ssan) as the cirteria. In other words, I want one query to work for
all seven checklists.
I have tried to build the query using just the component [ssan] as the
criteria but that doesn't work. It will only work if I put the full form path.
Needless to say, this isn't what I want as I don't want to have seven queries,
I just want to have one. So, two things here. One, why won't the criteria
work as I have it? If all the forms have the variable ssan, why can't I use
that as the criteria and have it accept whatever value the form happens to
have at the time? Two, since i have to accept the fact it doesn't work, how
can I do this so the query will work no matter what the from is that passes
the SSAN?