From Word, I want to know the value an object on a form in Access. The
Database is MyDatabase, the form is myForm and the field is txtDateHigh. So
Sub GetDateValue()
Dim myDatabase As Database
txtDatabase As Sring
txtDatabase = "C:\Access Reports\MyDatabase.MDB"
Set myDataBase = OpenDatabase(txtDatabase)
That's as far as I get. Don't know what else to Dim or Set, and could not
find this by searching kb, etc. Would appreciate a hint.
Database is MyDatabase, the form is myForm and the field is txtDateHigh. So
Sub GetDateValue()
Dim myDatabase As Database
txtDatabase As Sring
txtDatabase = "C:\Access Reports\MyDatabase.MDB"
Set myDataBase = OpenDatabase(txtDatabase)
That's as far as I get. Don't know what else to Dim or Set, and could not
find this by searching kb, etc. Would appreciate a hint.