This might be beyond my ability to help you, but I'll try. Hopefully David
Bartosik will jump in here and review this thread, and provide some true
First of all, it appears that you are using your free 5 or 10 megs of
webspace provided by your ISP. If I am correct about that, then you will
probably not have the option of creating a password protected folder. The
type of space you are using, is limited in features and user
get what you pay for. Never the less, contact your ISP and ask. If they
perhaps do offer this, then post back.
Secondly, I am confused a bit about how your structured your site. When you
create your home page, it would by default be named 'index.htm'. You seem to
have decided to name it LightningHomePage1.htm. (By the way, it is generally
a better idea to use all lower case) As a result when you click on the link
you provided you see the contents of your web directory, but your home page
does not automatically load. So after you make whatever changes you plan to
your Pub file, I would suggest publishing your site again, and this time
choose index.htm. Then delete all the files on your site, and
republish/upload your site.
Now, assuming that you probably cannot use password protected folders, and
though there are probably better solutions, you could do several things.
Perhaps the easiest way if you don't mind getting emails or phone calls,
would be to place an announcement on your first Player and Parent Contact
List page, that if any Parent wants a list, they need to email you for that
list. Then you can directly monitor who gets the list. In this case you
simply delete most of the content on that page and just insert a text box
describing the why of how parents can get the list, and include your contact
information/email address. Then delete the second Player page.
Then, you could create the list in whatever format you want. Perhaps using
Word saved as RTF would probably be the easiest, as anybody would be able to
open that format. You might even be able to copy and paste most of the
elements on the Publisher document to the Word document, though you might
have to do some reformatting. Or you could directly convert the Publisher
pages to PDF using PrimoPDF. Just build a new Pub doc using only those
contact pages and limited to letter size for easy printing. Then when
someone contacted you for the list, you could email it, mail it, fax it,
If this is too hands on for you, then there are more automated ways. Create
your list, convert it to an encrypted password protected pdf file with
PrimoPDF, upload it to your site, and provide a link to it. Even then, the
parent would have to contact you for the password, so I don't know that this
would be any easier than just sending it to them upon request. However, it
might be faster to upload that pdf doc to your website, and then provide the
link and the password upon request. If you want to pursue this, then read
this article:
Now, that's all clear as mud, right?