First of all, ensure that the ActiveX DLL has a reference to the Excel
object library (and, for good measure, the Office library). Then, you can
use those data types in your DLL. E.g.,
[in DLL named MyDLL. class named MyClass]
Public Function GetSum(RR As Excel.Range) As Double
Dim R As Excel.Range
Dim D As Double
For Each R In RR.Cells
D = D+R.Value
Next R
GetSum = D
End Function
You would then reference MyDLL in the References dialog in VBA, and then
call the function from VBA with code like
Dim D As Double
D = MyDLL.GetSum(Range("A1:A10")
When I write ActiveX DLLs, I always prefix the non-native VB objects with
the library in which they are defined. That is, I use "As Excel.Range"
rather than "As Range". While this is not always necessary, it provides some
level of self-documentation. Moreover, it prevents potential name
collisions. For example, suppose you have a DLL that references both Excel
and Word. In both Excel and Word, there is an object named "Range", but
these are entirely different objects. By including the "Excel" library
prefix, you ensure that the compiler uses the Excel definition of a Range,
not the Word definition.
with anything more sophisticated it crashes.
In what sense does it "crash". The generic term "crash" is used to mean any
number of undesirable outcomes.
Can you provide an example procedure that you think should work but actually
Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)