Denis Bisson via AccessMonster.com
Good day,
First, thanks to the numerous posts found within this forum, I was able to
build the function below. There is, however, one last thing that I am missing.
The function, as written works and returns the concatenated information that
I am seeking. What I now need to do is to pass that concatenated string
(strConcat) to a field in a report [Reports]![rptProbes]![txtDirAudited].
I am calling the function from the ControlSource of [Reports]![rptProbes]!
[txtDirAudited, but am not sure how to capture strConcat.
Can anyone help?
Thank you for your time and advice.
Public Function ProbeDir()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim Dir As String
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strConcat As String ' return string
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT tblPQAObservations.PQAObservationNoID, tblPQAO234.
Directorate " _
& "FROM tblPQAObservations " _
& "INNER JOIN tblPQAO234 ON tblPQAObservations.
PQAObservationNoID = tblPQAO234.PQAObservationID " _
& "WHERE (((tblPQAObservations.PQAObservationNoID)=(" & [Reports]
![rptProbes]![PROBEID] & ")));"
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
'Debug.Print "CAPs: " & rs.RecordCount
With rs
If Not .EOF Then
Do While Not .EOF
strConcat = strConcat & .Fields("Directorate") & ", "
End If
End With
'Debug.Print strConcat
Set rs = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
''remove the ", " from the end
If Len(strConcat) > 0 Then
strConcat = Left$(strConcat, Len(strConcat) - 2)
End If
Debug.Print strConcat
'strConcat = [Reports]![rptProbes]!txtDirAudited -- no success with
THIS line
End Function
First, thanks to the numerous posts found within this forum, I was able to
build the function below. There is, however, one last thing that I am missing.
The function, as written works and returns the concatenated information that
I am seeking. What I now need to do is to pass that concatenated string
(strConcat) to a field in a report [Reports]![rptProbes]![txtDirAudited].
I am calling the function from the ControlSource of [Reports]![rptProbes]!
[txtDirAudited, but am not sure how to capture strConcat.
Can anyone help?
Thank you for your time and advice.
Public Function ProbeDir()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim Dir As String
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strConcat As String ' return string
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT tblPQAObservations.PQAObservationNoID, tblPQAO234.
Directorate " _
& "FROM tblPQAObservations " _
& "INNER JOIN tblPQAO234 ON tblPQAObservations.
PQAObservationNoID = tblPQAO234.PQAObservationID " _
& "WHERE (((tblPQAObservations.PQAObservationNoID)=(" & [Reports]
![rptProbes]![PROBEID] & ")));"
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
'Debug.Print "CAPs: " & rs.RecordCount
With rs
If Not .EOF Then
Do While Not .EOF
strConcat = strConcat & .Fields("Directorate") & ", "
End If
End With
'Debug.Print strConcat
Set rs = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
''remove the ", " from the end
If Len(strConcat) > 0 Then
strConcat = Left$(strConcat, Len(strConcat) - 2)
End If
Debug.Print strConcat
'strConcat = [Reports]![rptProbes]!txtDirAudited -- no success with
THIS line
End Function