Passing a form as a parameter



I would like to pass my current form as a paramter to a function in a
module. The function looks like this and compiles OK, but I can't figure
out how to call it "Call subTotalScores(Me)" doesn't work. Message is
#2450 "<database> can't find form 'afrm_Form' referred to in a macro or
Visual Basic Code."

I've also tried making the parameter a string and passing Me.Name

If I explicitly reference my current form, I get the correct value (e.g.,
Forms!frmScoreEntry![Safety]) evaluates to 5, the value of that column on
the open form.

Public Sub subTotalScores(afrm_Form As Form)
Dim li_safety As Integer
li_safety = 0
li_safety = Forms!acfrm_Form![Safety]
End Sub

I've messed around with various syntaxes....


Unfortunately, it didn't work. I'm still getting "<database> can't find
form 'afrm_Form' referred to in a macro or Visual Basic Code."

I tried changing the offending line to : li_safety = afrm_Form![Safety],
but no luck.

BTW - Why do I need the "Set" in the assignment statement? Frequently it's
not required. What is the rule?

Pavel Romashkin said:

Dim Temp as Form
Set Temp = Me.Form

I would like to pass my current form as a paramter to a function in a
module. The function looks like this and compiles OK, but I can't figure
out how to call it "Call subTotalScores(Me)" doesn't work. Message is
#2450 "<database> can't find form 'afrm_Form' referred to in a macro or
Visual Basic Code."

I've also tried making the parameter a string and passing Me.Name

If I explicitly reference my current form, I get the correct value (e.g.,
Forms!frmScoreEntry![Safety]) evaluates to 5, the value of that column on
the open form.

Public Sub subTotalScores(afrm_Form As Form)
Dim li_safety As Integer
li_safety = 0
li_safety = Forms!acfrm_Form![Safety]
End Sub

I've messed around with various syntaxes....

Rebecca Riordan

The syntax _should_ work, so I suspect VBA is just confusing itself. The
first thing I'd do is change the name of the argument:

Public Sub subTotalScores(theForm as Form)

then I'd try dropping the reference to the Forms collection:

li_safety = theForm!Safety

And to answer you question about Set, you need it whenever you're working
with objects rather than scalar variable -- a form or table, rather than a


Rebecca Riordan, MVP

Designing Relational Database Systems
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming Step by Step
Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves,
for they shall never cease to be amused...

Pavel Romashkin said:

Dim Temp as Form
Set Temp = Me.Form

I would like to pass my current form as a paramter to a function in a
module. The function looks like this and compiles OK, but I can't figure
out how to call it "Call subTotalScores(Me)" doesn't work. Message is
#2450 "<database> can't find form 'afrm_Form' referred to in a macro or
Visual Basic Code."

I've also tried making the parameter a string and passing Me.Name

If I explicitly reference my current form, I get the correct value (e.g.,
Forms!frmScoreEntry![Safety]) evaluates to 5, the value of that column on
the open form.

Public Sub subTotalScores(afrm_Form As Form)
Dim li_safety As Integer
li_safety = 0
li_safety = Forms!acfrm_Form![Safety]
End Sub

I've messed around with various syntaxes....

John Nurick

Public Sub subTotalScores(afrm_Form As Form)
Dim li_safety As Integer
li_safety = 0
li_safety = Forms!acfrm_Form![Safety]

Rebecca's right.
is short for
which is obviously wrong.

For this sort of reason I usually spell things out, e.g.

li_Safety = acfrm_Form.Controls("Safety").Value


Thanks to you and Rebecca. It works and I learned several extra things.

John Nurick said:
Public Sub subTotalScores(afrm_Form As Form)
Dim li_safety As Integer
li_safety = 0
li_safety = Forms!acfrm_Form![Safety]

Rebecca's right.
is short for
which is obviously wrong.

For this sort of reason I usually spell things out, e.g.

li_Safety = acfrm_Form.Controls("Safety").Value

Pavel Romashkin

I think the original ? has been answered. As for SET, you use it when
the variable you are assigning to is an object.

So, if you declare
Dim A as String
then you assign to it like this
A = "My string"

But if you do
Dim Rst as ADODB.Recordset
then you want to do this
Set Rst = New ADODB.Recordset
and you're supposed to clean up at the end of your procedure:
Rst.Close ' Not all objects have Close method
Set Rst = Nothing

Unfortunately, it didn't work. I'm still getting "<database> can't find
form 'afrm_Form' referred to in a macro or Visual Basic Code."

I tried changing the offending line to : li_safety = afrm_Form![Safety],
but no luck.

BTW - Why do I need the "Set" in the assignment statement? Frequently it's
not required. What is the rule?

Pavel Romashkin said:

Dim Temp as Form
Set Temp = Me.Form

I would like to pass my current form as a paramter to a function in a
module. The function looks like this and compiles OK, but I can't figure
out how to call it "Call subTotalScores(Me)" doesn't work. Message is
#2450 "<database> can't find form 'afrm_Form' referred to in a macro or
Visual Basic Code."

I've also tried making the parameter a string and passing Me.Name

If I explicitly reference my current form, I get the correct value (e.g.,
Forms!frmScoreEntry![Safety]) evaluates to 5, the value of that column on
the open form.

Public Sub subTotalScores(afrm_Form As Form)
Dim li_safety As Integer
li_safety = 0
li_safety = Forms!acfrm_Form![Safety]
End Sub

I've messed around with various syntaxes....

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