Hi there
I am wondering how I can resolve this issue.
With the below snipple of code I am calling a word
template, which after opened extracts the data it needs
from the access database, that has call word to open.
It works fine!
Now i have applied user access level security to the
database. In order to have the word template working
properly ( extracting the data from Access) I quickly
included Username, password and loaction of the secure
system mdw file. Everone can read the the password now, if
they open the word template vba.
I would like to pass the User logon name, userid and
loaction of the secure system mdw as parameter, whilst
opening the word template.( at statup)
any sugestions??
here is the current code:
'myA_id = Id of record to call from word
'database and Template are in the directory / path
'mydb.name is that database that word extracts the data
Dim MyDB As Database, mobjWordApp As
Word.Application, MyDoc As Word.Document
Set MyDB = CurrentDb
On Error GoTo err_AuditTemplate
Const conTEMPLATE_NAME = "ATemplate.dot"
Set mobjWordApp = New Word.Application
mobjWordApp.Visible = True
Set MyDoc = mobjWordApp.Documents.Add(Template:=GetPath
(MyDB.Name, "Path") & "\" & conTEMPLATE_NAME)
MyDoc.ATemplate MyA_id, MyFull, MyDB.Name
mobjWordApp.Visible = True
I am wondering how I can resolve this issue.
With the below snipple of code I am calling a word
template, which after opened extracts the data it needs
from the access database, that has call word to open.
It works fine!
Now i have applied user access level security to the
database. In order to have the word template working
properly ( extracting the data from Access) I quickly
included Username, password and loaction of the secure
system mdw file. Everone can read the the password now, if
they open the word template vba.
I would like to pass the User logon name, userid and
loaction of the secure system mdw as parameter, whilst
opening the word template.( at statup)
any sugestions??
here is the current code:
'myA_id = Id of record to call from word
'database and Template are in the directory / path
'mydb.name is that database that word extracts the data
Dim MyDB As Database, mobjWordApp As
Word.Application, MyDoc As Word.Document
Set MyDB = CurrentDb
On Error GoTo err_AuditTemplate
Const conTEMPLATE_NAME = "ATemplate.dot"
Set mobjWordApp = New Word.Application
mobjWordApp.Visible = True
Set MyDoc = mobjWordApp.Documents.Add(Template:=GetPath
(MyDB.Name, "Path") & "\" & conTEMPLATE_NAME)
MyDoc.ATemplate MyA_id, MyFull, MyDB.Name
mobjWordApp.Visible = True